Beuhler, Beuhler, Anyone?


I asked Ron for this back in a "Burning lady, Bunnies, Bitzman" thread so is this my fault? That is a place for off-topic attempts at "humor" or what ever.

But if you like it please give me the warm fuzzies.

Any one else here like to empty a full clip on full auto on their PEZ dispenser? Nothing like rockin' and rolling with a full clip of orange or maybe even peppermint!

Don't let your MEAT loaf!

OK, here's something a bit off topic (but
not too much as you'll discover later).

Anyone here familiar with Michael Moorcock?
He's a British Sci-Fi/Fantasy author from
the 60's and 70's, mostly known for his
concept of the Multiverse and his characters
Elric of Melnibone, Hawkmoon, Corum and
Jerry Cornelius.

He also played with the Brit band Hawkwind
(who featured some members of Motorhead)
well as co-wrote a few songs with Blue
Oyster Cult (Veteran of 1000 Psychic War -
about his character Jerry Cornelius).

Well, Mike loves in Texas, and I converse with
him on occasion. And, you guessed it, he
cannot wait for me to build a 40 so he can
go for a spin! He's somewhat of a car buff

Anyway, that's my random thought!


Ron Earp


Yes, I am very familar with Mike's work, I've read a lot of it, and BOC is one of my favortie bands - I've seen them many times and enjoy the BOC songs, particularily the ones with a SF slant (Veteran of the Psyhic Wars, Black Blade, Sole Survivor, etc.). Nice to see some some diversity on the board! Still have one of the early editions of the D&D Tome "Deities and Demigods" that has Mike's mythos in it before it was pulled in later editions along with Lovecraft's works. Good stuff!


[ March 04, 2003: Message edited by: Ron Earp ]
Gee Ron, I had you figured as a man of taste

Black Blade is about Elric's sword Stormbringer. And co-written by Mike.
Hawkwind did an entire album, and a live
version of the album (double LP I believe)
which followed the Elric saga.

Unfortunately, Mike is recovering from a
condition that has led to amputated toes,
gangrene, and an exposed tendon. Some
elective surgery while he was out here in CA
worsened his condition, but he's on the
road to recovery.

And, apparently, a movie about Elric has been

Hopefully, I'll be purchasing a kit and begin
building next year, and will get pics - with
Mike when he visits.


No, you probably aren't the only one who has
no idea what we're talking about

Mike Moorcock helped redefine Sci-Fi/Fantasy
in the 60's with his creations Elric, Jerry
Cornelius (credited as the first Cyberpunk
character in literature), the concept of the
Eternal Champion, and bringing the concept of
a Multiverse to the masses. Before him, Fantasy
writers were either cloning off R.E. Howard's
Conan or Tolkien. Elric was the antithesis of
those styles.

If you like reading Sci-Fi/Fantasy, grab
one of the omnibus editions of the Elric

Thanks Ian for clearing that up.

All kidding aside, I use to read alot of Isomov(spelling) alot. I haven't read any SiFi for years. I think the last one I read was Dune. The book was better than the series.

I concur. Have you ever seen the movie version
by David Lynch? It starred Kyle MacLachlan
as Paul, Sting as Feyd, and a slew of other
actors who have since become more popular.
It was wildly butchered in the theatrical
release, some scenes were added back in
in the video/dvd/release, and supposedly,
a Hollywood un-authorized version released
into the wild by Lynch himself since he
was so upset at the studio's editing.

In some ways I like it better than the
Sci-Fi channel's miniseries.
