Will There Be a Paddock on the New GT40s.com?

Holy cow, did you see that Spain-Portugal WC match?

For all those English soccer fans out there, I'm rooting for ya!

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Gentlemen - please stop the bickering... This is most certainly not helping anything...

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I would like to say a few words in defence of Jeff. We are poles apart politically but I have always found him to be a straight shooter, don’t get me wrong we have had our arguments. But at no time have I found him to be vitriolic at all.
I would like to say a few words in defence of Jeff. We are poles apart politically but I have always found him to be a straight shooter, don’t get me wrong we have had our arguments. But at no time have I found him to be vitriolic at all.

Wow Pete, I wasn't expecting that, apologies for previously misjudging you......on some
points ;)

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Same. Me and Pete are friends -- who think differently about politics. But it's not the end of the world when he is wrong, which is all the time...lol....

Seriously, always enjoyed discussions with Pete. And Veek for the most part, his long cut and pastes and all....lol....
I really didn't expect you to believe me Mike. But, you can see for yourself. On the menu under the gallery Click Community, Members List, then sort by post count.

All those folks on the page (except GT40s Bot, that guy is a tool) have had GT40s or have one now. Self included but that's another long story that happened years before you came to the site. Most everyone on the list is still active today and some have been here since the beginning of the site in 2001.

Pretty sure Keith & perhaps Molluer along with myself have not got or had a GT40, unless the scale one in the cabinet counts!, just sayin!
Pretty sure Keith & perhaps Molluer along with myself have not got or had a GT40, unless the scale one in the cabinet counts!, just sayin!

Ownership is not required, enthusiasm is!

The diverse group here makes GT40s.com what it is. I have told people about my "ex RAF/BA pilot" friend (David M. whom I have never met) and my Kiwi "knows all the RIGHT answers" friend (Jac Mac whom I also have never met) so this is a community. We are all family......a dysfunctional family, but family just the same. Hell, we put the "fun" in dysfunctional!!!!

We all enjoy these cars in one way or another. I spent two hours this evening pulling the rear wheels/rotors off P2110 to eliminate the parking brake noise. I would rather be driving but I do love turning wrenches when I can really fix something!

Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
I agree with the following members, and with their opinions.

roaldin said in part: "Imo the paddock should continue. I should add that the usual reason given for why the troll doesn’t get banned is because “they didn’t break a rule” - vindictive trolling should be deemed a breaking of the rules no matter how it is engineered."

Malcolm said: "Hope you keep the paddock."

Larry L. said in part: "The Paddock ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. (my caps). Seems pretty self-explanatory to me: "Sensitive" individuals should avoid it like the plague."

Ian Anderson said: "I would keep the paddock in about the format it is, and move the divisive threads, like Politics, Guns, religion into the password protected section.

For me, I like the paddock just as it is.

I enjoy the Paddock because I visit it to learn about things others show me, and because I utilize it to SHARE picts and videos with others. Most of my compositions include some artistic touches. Many are humorous.

I love sharing art and humor with both friends and strangers. Knowing people enjoy most art and knowing they're smiling and laughing at my threads makes me feel good all over. I think my threads and posts counter the BS that goes on steadily in today's world. I would greatly miss the Paddock for the reasons expressed above.

As a business man, I have thought about, and attempted to understand what the owner's goal is. I can not easily reconcile what sometimes takes place with the forum. I do know something about web sites. All such sites are being constantly assessed by thousands of companies who determine how many hits a given web site gets per month, year, etc. Most of these companies also know what part of the world the hits come from. By so doing, they are then able to appraise the site and place a value on it. The number of hits also affects the price you can charge for other companies' advertisements.

Considering the above information, it would seem that having all the non members hit (visit) the site, even though they don't pay, would still raise the value of the site. The Paddock, for better or worse, accumulates 10s of thousands of hits per week, per month, etc. Therefore, eliminating the Paddock would lower the value of the main asset: the forum. I do not partake of the guns and politics and all that bad upsetting stuff. Don't have a clue why all the bad news each day is not enough torture for some, who must be more tortured by arguing with others.

I do believe that there should not be any free access to the GT40 cars for sale THREAD. The reason is that many nonmembers seek to learn about cars for sale. There are too many of them which gives the car seller the false idea that their car is really going to sell and must be loved by many. One example is Mike D; He's gotten over 9,000 views, but only a few comments, no offers, and no sales. It actually works to lessen the forum's credibility to use to sell one's car. Take away the non paying lookie lous' and the seller would have a more realistic outlook.

I can't help but think that even the non members should pay something for general access to the forum; Maybe that's $5 per year' Maybe more! But they should not be able to look at cars for sale unless they are paying members. My humble 2 cents worth, and the bill is in the mail. :laugh: