Best place to buy Avon Tires

Salina Bailey

in the US where does a person go to pick up Avon Tires at a reasonable price? Live in Washington State. current tires are Yokohomas and would like to replace them.
Some local dealers can order them and may even compete to match internet prices from other dealers but if you can't locate them that way, check out Roger Kraus Racing's website.

Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
Al is right, I think Roger is the only place to get them, the price is pretty will fixed, If I remember $1550 for a full set, and well worth the money.

Salina Bailey

Yes I googled and came up with exactly 3 places, that was one of them. the third one had them for 100 less per tire but were *out of stock* Thanks for the input, I asked as I figured someone would know, maybe there was someone that didnt come up in a google. Appreciate the replies.