Who will be the next President of the United States?

He sounds like he has good intentions, but all that god stuff sounds so silly to me. I would feel more comfortable with someone who is grounded in reality.
Obama - he's not capable of making any "change" happen apparently.
Palin - Oh shit - she better not! She's a nut. My in-laws are Alaskan and they have always said "She doesn't represent us!" I don't think she is anywhere near presidential material.
Faili - hmmm. Let's see his birth certificate!

Actually, that's an almost impossible question. Our political system is so broken. Our system does not whittle down the prospects to the best ones. It seems to actually elevate the worst ones. Heck, that's the only reason why Palin is even on the scope right now. McCain picked her at the last minute as a prop, not because she had any political talent. Add to that all the political talk show fat heads out there brainwashing the emotionally needy public and you have a basket case of a democracy. It's pathetic, really, but a reality.

So, who do I think will win? I don't have a name, but I can safely bet that it will be someone who does not win over enough of the American public like a president should.
How about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. He's done well with reducing the NJ deficit and has done what he said he was going to do. That in itself is amazing, actually keeping your promises. OK, open the floodgates!
Since when was that a prerequisit of becoming the President. If she appeals to over half the population, even if for all the wrong reasons...well, there ya have it.

If that was actually how it worked, GW would have never been elected ...



Lifetime Supporter
Palin - Oh shit - she better not! She's a nut. My in-laws are Alaskan and they have always said "She doesn't represent us!"

Perhaps you should have her put to sleep, it's the kindest thing........

Ron Earp

Note to citizens that don't like President Obama: convince the Republican party to run a viable candidate. If Palin runs then President Obama will have another term in office.
We can't have someone that really knows how to run a business like Steve Forbes, Romney or to put his hair piece in the ring this time, Donald Trump.

If I ran my business like the government does, I would be tossed into jail.
Obama - he's not capable of making any "change" happen apparently.
Palin - Oh shit - she better not! She's a nut. My in-laws are Alaskan and they have always said "She doesn't represent us!" I don't think she is anywhere near presidential material.
Faili - hmmm. Let's see his birth certificate!

What’s all this nonsense about who will be the President???!!!
I am READY,,,,,
1-My birth certificate indicates I was born in “AXIS OF EVIL”. That means I am somehow related to George, Dick and Rummy. This means any Moron can run to be the President

2-I love guns, from water pistols to 50 cals. However, if you are from Montana or Idaho, WATER PISTOL is all you can have. You can still runaround in the woods with your boyfriends pretending to be the “REAL THING”,,,,BUT,,,you use water pistols.

3- Sharia Law will be used on anyone convicted of Murder, rape, pedophilia.

4-Abortion will be ILLEGAL unless a committee of well educated good looking men and women decide the parents are UGLY and IGNORANT. Regardless of the situation, only 2 brats are allowed per family. You want more,,, you adopt.

5- Ethnic minorities will be FORCED to learn English or deported (Unless they are very old, can’t teach old dogs,,, evident by membership on this Forum). Police force in every community will also be (deported to Montana and Idaho) if it behaves like a MORON when coming across someone with a “funny Name”.

JUST THE ABOVE 5 should make me the darling of the Reptilian Party.

6- If you are white, old and rich and have multiple vehicles (cars, trucks, bikes,,,etc). You will be allowed to keep them!! But forced to drive them in neighborhoods were people have nothing and use public transportation. No “Concourse the Poop” or Saturday “Shine and Crap” with other rich white old farts.

7-Absolutly NO ONE is allowed to run multiple terms for any office. Senate will be abolished and the last members executed.

8-Blalncing the budget ,,,,,,,,,NAVY and Airforce will be abolished,,, no more “SISSY SERVING”. You want to join the military??? Army and the Jarheads are your choices. This option will have an added benefit of curtailing American military of habitual invasion of the rest of the planet. No boats/Airplanes ,,,,,defend your damn border instead of invading everyone else.

9-Stop kissing the ASSES of British Royalty ,,King this, Princess that, Mother this,,,,,,. What is this fascination with another country’s family of incest??!! YOU ARE NOT ENGLISH, anymore ,,,get over it. The Irish, Scots,,,,and English Soccer fans are your ancestors ,,,KISS theirs.

10-Homosexuality will be allowed for women only! BUT, both partners must look feminine and slim (NO FAT DYKES with funky sideburns). Homosexual men will be encouraged to move to France or Canada

11- Education will be improved by using Muslim countries as a model (Why do you think 90% of scientist and Engineers in USA have funny names??)!!!. If your kid is stupid, lazy or borderline criminal, you DO NOT go to school and harass teachers and administrators on passing the little F&^%er to the next grade. Here is how it works in Middle East;
You graduate high school and go on to college or any form of higher education ,,,,you will not need to join the BOOGIEMAN (Military)! You flunk out of high school, trade school, college ,,,etc,,,, you’re a$$ belongs to ARMY (And they don’t use body armor for soldiering,,,and may require you to blow yourself up).

12- Get used to the Mexicans invading California, Arizona and Texas. You are too lazy and pompous to do the work they are willing to do. Eventually, they will overrun all 3 states. They screw more often than white people and have beautiful women that are lots of FUN. People of color are always much more fun the whiteeeeees.

The above 6-11,, should take care of the rest of the imbeciles in USA (The DemoCRAPS).

Number 12 will bring me the votes from all “Mongrels” , Hispanics and blacks (my true constituents):)

One last thing, as the President I will SACK the moonshine, Chemist wanabe that runs this forum and force him to move from North, to South Pooalina. Any State that had Jessie Helms,,,,,,,,,,should be detached from the Union.
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10-Homosexuality will be allowed for women only! BUT, both partners must look feminine and slim (NO FAT DYKES with funky sideburns). Homosexual men will be encouraged to move to France or Canada
Whoa Whoa Whoa......we got enough allready. How about a compromise, france gets ours too.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Being from our own "Axis of Evil", California, you know that you'll have some very small shoes to fill.

Hoover, Nixon & Reagan......................think you are up to it?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
We can't have someone that really knows how to run a business like Steve Forbes
Posted by Tom

Yes Mr Forbes has run his fathers business, kind of like GW.

Tom, that was partially humor, but I have to wonder how much controll he actually uses. Looking at his bio, he certinally spends a lot of time doing things other than running his inheritance.

Additionally, I wonder how well skills running a business will transfer over to the political arena.

It's seems to me that most "CEO" types are used to giving orders, not working in conjunction with other elected officials with even larger egos.

I know that Ross Perot found this somewhat challenging.
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