Latest News from Libyan Desert!



نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما نقش سایه دگر نمی دان نور اگر رفت سایه. ر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما نقش سایه دگر نمی دان نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما

If I hear anything else I will let you know.....
Google translator:

If you can not find the light went shadow eyes staring at the wall and the role we don not light the role of other shadows if shadows moved. The role was not Sayhpyda R. Wall and eye shadow staring role again we don not go shadow if the light is found and the role of the eye wall

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
That first post looks like the results of a beetle that, after doing a square-dance in my first car-port paint job, tracked a pretty line to the edge of the fender, and fell off.
If you can not find the light went shadow eyes staring at the wall and the role we don not light the role of other shadows if shadows moved. The role was not Sayhpyda R. Wall and eye shadow staring role again we don not go shadow if the light is found and the role of the eye wall

Those silly arabs.


Did you notice that it was partially digested? Did you feed it to him you naughty Jim you? :stunned:
I wonder what they were saying after the wrench came out at the end of that video.

"Ahhh... a 14mm. Makes sense - you never need that one anyway." :laugh:

"That's nothing, one time, I swallowed a 10mm socket!"
"That's no big deal Ahmad... I ate a 12 and a 13mm the other day with no problem!"
"Yeah, but the socket was on a torque wrench!":stunned:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
This is silly.
  1. noun
    1. شخص أحمق
  2. adjective
  3. سخيف
  4. ساذج
  5. مضحك
  6. تافه
  7. بسيط
  8. بليد
  9. أبله
  10. فارغ
  11. مغفل
soon in italy we all will talk also arabic..
Every night we receive 1000 people from north africa, and european country say this is just an italian problem (of course).

Hope no body will say any longer we can create the united states of europe.just a dream.