Everything in the US is Bigger, Taller & Higher


I mean, that must have been a hell of a curb, right?

There will be a lawsuit!

So there should be.

What a disgrace just think of the damage that has been done. It may take years to get over this, it could cause severe psychological damage, those poor men having to witness the damage Mr Jackass caused to himself by failing to take due care and attention when negotiating a curb.

Those Marines should sue him for every penny.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I'll bet the Marines could also sue for scraped knuckles received when they tried too help the poor chap up after his dangerous fall.
I think that it shows a total commitment on behalf of the police department to make sure that all of the details of the accident could be so well documented, and I think that Mr curb crawler will learn a valuable lesson...weigh the item you're going to steal, because you might not be able to clear high obsticles with excess weight!