Moved this discussion here. Sorry guy's I got carried away. I simply can't stand the direction it's going!


Imagine if you're a German paying the taxes to fund it. I suspect the GB conversion to the EURO is some time off...

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
With the various implosions going on in Europe, is the UK bombproof by not being part of the Euro. I think we are part of the Euro problem wether we like it or not.
Greece, as one example, will never go back to the old currency - the drachma - while rich neighbours can continue to bail them out. Why were the Irish and their financial problems helped out of the current difficulties by the UK? We can't even seem to help ourseves out at the moment with impending public service strikes and demonstrations looming large. The EEC is fast becoming a total mess.

I started a thread on here ages ago asking if anyone could tell me what the benefits are to being a member of the EC. there were few replies (which I understand, as there are a lot more guys from the US on here than us Europeans).

I'd like to reiterate the question:-

Can anyone give me a knowledgeable and cohesive answer as to why we are in the EC, and what benefit it can possibly bring us compared to the savings we would make by extricating ourselves from the behemoth that it has become?

I started a thread on here ages ago asking if anyone could tell me what the benefits are to being a member of the EC. there were few replies (which I understand, as there are a lot more guys from the US on here than us Europeans).

I'd like to reiterate the question:-

Can anyone give me a knowledgeable and cohesive answer as to why we are in the EC, and what benefit it can possibly bring us compared to the savings we would make by extricating ourselves from the behemoth that it has become?

I take it by the tumbleweed on this thread that I have most people tacit agreement :shifty:

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I have no disagreement with your premise "Why are we in the EC?"
We have ended up with mass immigration into the UK and the Government
have lost the plot along with losing probably up to well over 1.2 m illegal
immigrants in five years It has a parallel in history when the Gypsies arrived in the UK
for the Great Exhibition and though only on temporary immigration documents
they never went back to Spain and Italy. They disappeared into the countryside 9supposedly into Epping Forest to start with ) and nobody in authority really tried to find them They've renamed themselves Travellers,though they don't seem to want to travel on from this area, and we get local "communtiy warnings" of their setting up fields of caravans illegally and then burgling the local neighbourhood. After about a month of annoying the local community they move on but the detritis they leave behind beggars belief. As soon is these immigrants breed,they suddenly re appear in society and they are on the "benefits" scam straight away, living a life of luxury provided by the local councils - Sorry - read that again - provided by you and me - and all because we have virtually no borders any more because of the EC. Kent County Council has declared itself almost bankrupt as a lot of the ports are within it's area. Thye have massive hotel bills for the illegals because the old MOD bases set up as hostels until they have their day in court and then get deported again are now full up. They have asked the govenment for a massive injection of cash to keep the rest of the County Councils services afloat.
I can think of a really good use for members of The Brigade of Ghurkhas - Immigration controllers in all our ports and airports. The SAS could replace the current shambles of Border Security staff and The Parachute Regiment along with the Royal Marines could set up in Calais, Dunkirque and the rest of the ports along the European coast and ferret out these so called 'illegal people'. If they are here and then destroy their passports ( a current trick to make themselves 'stateless' so they can't be deported) then at least chemically castrate them to stop them breeding.
Two of these 'Border Security' individuals took my van and trailer apart at Dunkirque on my way back from Le Mans. I asked one of them how many illegals he had found in the last month going through the private vehicles about to board the ferry. None.
They have lost the plot. I had to throw everything back in untidyly just to catch the ferry I was booked on or wait another two hours for the next.
EC? It's had it's day and IMHO it hasn't worked for Gt Britain.
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