Today's Date

Always baffled me that Jeff. Why is it more logical to count month-day-year, rather than as we do, day-month-year? How did that come about?

Jim Rosenthal

Yeah, read Joseph Heller's "Catch-22" on what it means to win a war. Like the old Italian man's conversation with Lieutenant Nately, which takes place in a brothel. Old writing, but still very much apropos....

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Strategic withdrawal after unbroken string of tactical victories.

(more tongue in cheek -- Vietnam was of course a cluster where day to day "victories" blinded the US to a overwhelmingly strategic "truth" that first the French, and then the US, failed to grasp -- Ho was a nationalist first, and a communist by necessity, and a free from colonial influence an unified Vietnam was his goal not a worker's utopia).

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Iraq I'd have to chalk up to sorta win right now. Afghanistan who knows. War on Terror, going pretty decent now although it's not really a 'war'. War on Drugs is a social program.

So let's start from the start:

Revolutionary War: Win.
War of 1812: Win.
Mexican War: Win.
Civil War: Right side won.
Spanish-American War: Won.
WWI: Doughboys save the day.
WWII: American factories and Russian bodies (sorry to be so morbid) save the day.
Korean War: Win the sense that South Korea perserved.

There you have it!

Jingo jingo jingo.....

War on Terror?
war on Drugs?

Need More?
Perhaps not such a good comment!
As for WWII, I for one am glad you finally showed up boys. Its not 'proper' to cum first. I like to think we 'allies' softened em up for you!

I have adopted this strategy many times. Let everyone else kick the sh1t out of each other first, then swagger up all 'devil may care'ish' and kick the last tired man standing in the nuts. Seems to work well.
America may not have won all it's wars but from all the ones menthioned it shows that America is always at war with someone almost all the time

Us Brits are a peacefull nation " DOL"

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Note: Stalin and communism were evil! Do not misconstrue what I'm about to type!

That said, we ALL have Soviet Russia to thank during WWII. Millions of dead, all while keeping something like 70-80 percent of Germany's military might tied up on the Eastern Front.

But for the Soviets, it is likely the UK would have fallen and the US drawn into a long transaoceanic war of attrition with the Nazis.

Charlie Farley

You mention ' Hitler's insanity'.
Far from it.
It made pefect military sense to attack the USSR in Operation Barbarossa. Starting in the early 1930's, a little known fact is, to circumvent the provisions of post WW1 treaties, Germany had military factories inside the USSR, developing new tanks, aircraft etc. But within these factories, open to Russian view, where secret development facilities, unbeknown to the Russians, developing what the Germans wanted to hide from the Allied powers. Ontop of that, the German Abwehr succeded where Stalin had failed. German Intelligence mananged to convince Stalin as early as 1934 to shoot his most competant of the Officer Corps, using disinformation as to their loyalties.
This left the Russian Army basically 'headless' until Stalin was persuaded by what was left of his Generals to begin radically rebuilding his army in 1938. Hitler could not allow this to succeed and thus , having bought 6 years of peace on his eastern front, in which he invaded and occupied most of Western Europe, he had no option but to invade.
The only thing old Adolf did wrong, was to invade in june and not march.
If he had launched the operation some two months earlier, chances are, he would have captured Moscow before the winter closed in.... and all that would have followed... Thank God he didn't.