"let us kill them"

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
It is interesting on how we focus on such minute issues and let other more impacting issues just run right past us. One example out of probably hundreds I can think of is the DWI related fatal accidents in just the state of Arkansas alone last year (over 170). Yet we have 5 fatalities due to a shark, and everybody goes berserk to find the "killer shark".

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Only five victims?

Here is a much bigger coastal concern. These are stats for falling off cliffs in the last year.

<TABLE style="WIDTH: 100%" class="body sortable" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 sizcache="4" sizset="60"><THEAD sizcache="4" sizset="60"><TR jQuery152009929365053995387="3"><TH style="TEXT-ALIGN: right" class=text>Rank </TH><TH class="text sort-alpha clickable" jQuery152009929365053995387="1">Countries
</TH><TH class="text sort-numeric clickable" align=right jQuery152009929365053995387="2">Amount
</TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY sizcache="4" sizset="61"><TR id=0 class=datarow name="ja" sizcache="1" sizset="0" jQuery152009929365053995387="4"><TD class=td40>= 1 </TD><TD class=td150>
Japan:</TD><TD class=td180>82 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow0 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="4" jQuery152009929365053995387="5"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Japan <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment1> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=1 class=datarow name="us" sizcache="1" sizset="5" jQuery152009929365053995387="6"><TD class=td40>= 1 </TD><TD class=td150>
United States:</TD><TD class=td180>82 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow1 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="9" jQuery152009929365053995387="7"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in United States <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment1> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=2 class=datarow name="mx" sizcache="1" sizset="10" jQuery152009929365053995387="8"><TD class=td40># 3 </TD><TD class=td150>
Mexico:</TD><TD class=td180>81 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow2 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="14" jQuery152009929365053995387="9"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Mexico <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment3> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=3 class=datarow name="au" sizcache="1" sizset="15" jQuery152009929365053995387="10"><TD class=td40># 4 </TD><TD class=td150>
Austria:</TD><TD class=td180>49 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow3 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="19" jQuery152009929365053995387="11"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Austria <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment4> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=4 class=datarow name="sp" sizcache="1" sizset="20" jQuery152009929365053995387="12"><TD class=td40># 5 </TD><TD class=td150>
Spain:</TD><TD class=td180>47 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow4 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="24" jQuery152009929365053995387="13"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Spain <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment5> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=5 class=datarow name="ks" sizcache="1" sizset="25" jQuery152009929365053995387="14"><TD class=td40># 6 </TD><TD class=td150>
Korea, South:</TD><TD class=td180>26 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow5 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="29" jQuery152009929365053995387="15"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Korea, South <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment6> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=6 class=datarow name="ve" sizcache="1" sizset="30" jQuery152009929365053995387="16"><TD class=td40># 7 </TD><TD class=td150>
Venezuela:</TD><TD class=td180>23 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow6 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="34" jQuery152009929365053995387="17"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Venezuela <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment7> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=7 class=datarow name="co" sizcache="1" sizset="35" jQuery152009929365053995387="18"><TD class=td40># 8 </TD><TD class=td150>
Colombia:</TD><TD class=td180>22 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow7 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="39" jQuery152009929365053995387="19"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Colombia <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment8> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=8 class=datarow name="gm" sizcache="1" sizset="40" jQuery152009929365053995387="20"><TD class=td40># 9 </TD><TD class=td150>
Germany:</TD><TD class=td180>21 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow8 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="44" jQuery152009929365053995387="21"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Germany <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment9> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=9 class=datarow name="uk" sizcache="1" sizset="45" jQuery152009929365053995387="22"><TD class=td40># 10 </TD><TD class=td150>
United Kingdom:</TD><TD class=td180>17 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow9 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="49" jQuery152009929365053995387="23"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in United Kingdom <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment10> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=10 class=datarow name="ca" sizcache="1" sizset="50" jQuery152009929365053995387="24"><TD class=td40>= 11 </TD><TD class=td150>
Canada:</TD><TD class=td180>15 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow10 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="54" jQuery152009929365053995387="25"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Canada <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment11> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=11 class=datarow name="br" sizcache="1" sizset="55" jQuery152009929365053995387="26"><TD class=td40>= 11 </TD><TD class=td150>
Brazil:</TD><TD class=td180>15 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow11 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="59" jQuery152009929365053995387="27"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Brazil <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment11> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=12 class=datarow name="ar" sizcache="1" sizset="60" jQuery152009929365053995387="28"><TD class=td40># 13 </TD><TD class=td150>
Argentina:</TD><TD class=td180>13 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow12 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="64" jQuery152009929365053995387="29"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Argentina <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment13> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=13 class=datarow name="as" sizcache="1" sizset="65" jQuery152009929365053995387="30"><TD class=td40># 14 </TD><TD class=td150>
Australia:</TD><TD class=td180>12 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow13 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="69" jQuery152009929365053995387="31"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Australia <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment14> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=14 class=datarow name="si" sizcache="1" sizset="70" jQuery152009929365053995387="32"><TD class=td40>= 15 </TD><TD class=td150>
Slovenia:</TD><TD class=td180>11 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow14 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="74" jQuery152009929365053995387="33"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Slovenia <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment15> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=15 class=datarow name="ez" sizcache="1" sizset="75" jQuery152009929365053995387="34"><TD class=td40>= 15 </TD><TD class=td150>
Czech Republic:</TD><TD class=td180>11 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow15 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="79" jQuery152009929365053995387="35"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Czech Republic <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment15> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=16 class=datarow name="no" sizcache="1" sizset="80" jQuery152009929365053995387="36"><TD class=td40>= 17 </TD><TD class=td150>
Norway:</TD><TD class=td180>9 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow16 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="84" jQuery152009929365053995387="37"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Norway <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment17> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=17 class=datarow name="lo" sizcache="1" sizset="85" jQuery152009929365053995387="38"><TD class=td40>= 17 </TD><TD class=td150>
Slovakia:</TD><TD class=td180>9 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow17 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="89" jQuery152009929365053995387="39"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Slovakia <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment17> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=18 class=datarow name="kg" sizcache="1" sizset="90" jQuery152009929365053995387="40"><TD class=td40>= 17 </TD><TD class=td150>
Kyrgyzstan:</TD><TD class=td180>9 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow18 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="94" jQuery152009929365053995387="41"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Kyrgyzstan <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment17> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=19 class=datarow name="pl" sizcache="1" sizset="95" jQuery152009929365053995387="42"><TD class=td40># 20 </TD><TD class=td150>
Poland:</TD><TD class=td180>8 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow19 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="99" jQuery152009929365053995387="43"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Poland <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment20> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=20 class=datarow name="eg" sizcache="1" sizset="100" jQuery152009929365053995387="44"><TD class=td40># 21 </TD><TD class=td150>
Egypt:</TD><TD class=td180>7 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow20 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="104" jQuery152009929365053995387="45"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Egypt <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment21> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=21 class=datarow name="pm" sizcache="1" sizset="105" jQuery152009929365053995387="46"><TD class=td40>= 22 </TD><TD class=td150>
Panama:</TD><TD class=td180>5 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow21 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="109" jQuery152009929365053995387="47"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Panama <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment22> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=22 class=datarow name="rq" sizcache="1" sizset="110" jQuery152009929365053995387="48"><TD class=td40>= 22 </TD><TD class=td150>
Puerto Rico:</TD><TD class=td180>5 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow22 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="114" jQuery152009929365053995387="49"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Puerto Rico <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment22> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=23 class=datarow name="nz" sizcache="1" sizset="115" jQuery152009929365053995387="50"><TD class=td40>= 22 </TD><TD class=td150>
New Zealand:</TD><TD class=td180>5 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow23 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="119" jQuery152009929365053995387="51"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in New Zealand <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment22> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=24 class=datarow name="cu" sizcache="1" sizset="120" jQuery152009929365053995387="52"><TD class=td40>= 22 </TD><TD class=td150>
Cuba:</TD><TD class=td180>5 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow24 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="124" jQuery152009929365053995387="53"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Cuba <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment22> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=25 class=datarow name="sf" sizcache="1" sizset="125" jQuery152009929365053995387="54"><TD class=td40># 26 </TD><TD class=td150>
South Africa:</TD><TD class=td180>3 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow25 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="129" jQuery152009929365053995387="55"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in South Africa <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment26> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=26 class=datarow name="en" sizcache="1" sizset="130" jQuery152009929365053995387="56"><TD class=td40>= 27 </TD><TD class=td150>
Estonia:</TD><TD class=td180>2 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow26 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="134" jQuery152009929365053995387="57"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Estonia <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment27> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=27 class=datarow name="pe" sizcache="1" sizset="135" jQuery152009929365053995387="58"><TD class=td40>= 27 </TD><TD class=td150>
Peru:</TD><TD class=td180>2 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow27 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="139" jQuery152009929365053995387="59"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Peru <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment27> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=28 class=datarow name="hr" sizcache="1" sizset="140" jQuery152009929365053995387="60"><TD class=td40>= 27 </TD><TD class=td150>
Croatia:</TD><TD class=td180>2 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow28 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="144" jQuery152009929365053995387="61"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Croatia <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment27> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=29 class=datarow name="sw" sizcache="1" sizset="145" jQuery152009929365053995387="62"><TD class=td40>= 27 </TD><TD class=td150>
Sweden:</TD><TD class=td180>2 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow29 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="149" jQuery152009929365053995387="63"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Sweden <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment27> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=30 class=datarow name="da" sizcache="1" sizset="150" jQuery152009929365053995387="64"><TD class=td40>= 27 </TD><TD class=td150>
Denmark:</TD><TD class=td180>2 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow30 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="154" jQuery152009929365053995387="65"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Denmark <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment27> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=31 class=datarow name="cs" sizcache="1" sizset="155" jQuery152009929365053995387="66"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Costa Rica:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow31 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="159" jQuery152009929365053995387="67"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Costa Rica <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=32 class=datarow name="lg" sizcache="1" sizset="160" jQuery152009929365053995387="68"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Latvia:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow32 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="164" jQuery152009929365053995387="69"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Latvia <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=33 class=datarow name="fi" sizcache="1" sizset="165" jQuery152009929365053995387="70"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Finland:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow33 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="169" jQuery152009929365053995387="71"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Finland <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=34 class=datarow name="is" sizcache="1" sizset="170" jQuery152009929365053995387="72"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Israel:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow34 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="174" jQuery152009929365053995387="73"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Israel <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=35 class=datarow name="mt" sizcache="1" sizset="175" jQuery152009929365053995387="74"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Malta:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow35 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="179" jQuery152009929365053995387="75"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Malta <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=36 class=datarow name="hu" sizcache="1" sizset="180" jQuery152009929365053995387="76"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Hungary:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow36 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="184" jQuery152009929365053995387="77"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Hungary <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=37 class=datarow name="ec" sizcache="1" sizset="185" jQuery152009929365053995387="78"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Ecuador:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow37 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="189" jQuery152009929365053995387="79"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Ecuador <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=38 class=datarow name="gg" sizcache="1" sizset="190" jQuery152009929365053995387="80"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Georgia:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow38 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="194" jQuery152009929365053995387="81"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Georgia <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TR id=39 class=datarow name="ci" sizcache="1" sizset="195" jQuery152009929365053995387="82"><TD class=td40>= 32 </TD><TD class=td150>
Chile:</TD><TD class=td180>1 deaths </TD><TD class=td255>

</TD></TR><TR style="DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 30px" class="hidden hrow39 graphHl" sizcache="1" sizset="199" jQuery152009929365053995387="83"><TD colSpan=4>Mortality in Chile <FORM><INPUT style="WIDTH: 220px" id=str_comment32> <INPUT class=submitButton value=Comment type=submit> </FORM></TD></TR><TFOOT sizcache="4" sizset="141"><TR sizcache="1" sizset="200" jQuery152009929365053995387="84"><TD></TD><TD align=left>Total:</TD><TD align=right>611 deaths </TD></TR></TFOOT></TABLE>

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Even if you kill all the sharks, then what will you do to stop these deaths? Wait, you could just fill in the Ocean!

National Drowning Report 2011 - Overview, Report and Key Facts at a Glance

The Royal Life Saving National Drowning Report 2011 shows 315 people drowned in Australian waterways between 1st July 2010 and 30th June 2011. Drowning deaths across Australia have increased for the third year in a row and have jumped 11% on the 5 year average.


Do not forget the 17 people killed by dogs each year in the USA, should we kill all the dogs?
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Mr Fechter, If you rally care about violent death......................................

Typically, there are approximately 30,000 US deaths due to firearms in the US each year.

In 2007 according to the Centers for Disease Control Faststats and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control WIQARS Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury Reports:

48,676 people were intentionally shot who survived. (NCIPC)
18,610 people were unintentionally shot who survived. (NCIPC)
17,352 suicides (intentionally shot themselves who died) (CDC)
12,632 criminal firearm deaths (killed in a crime by guns) (CDC)
This does not include deaths of people intentionally or unintentionally shot for legal reasons (Like the police shooting a suspect).
The above total is 97270 people shot in the US in 2007. About a third (29984) died, and it is likely that the total number of Americans shot is at least 100,000 given that all types of gunshot injuries/deaths are not included.

Using just the numbers above, a little math indicates that in the US, every day during 2007, AT LEAST 266 Americans were shot. Every day, a third of them (82 daily) died.


So Mr Fechter wants to remove a species from the earth because of 5 deaths.

Why don't you worry about something that really matters?
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
It is interesting on how we focus on such minute issues and let other more impacting issues just run right past us. One example out of probably hundreds I can think of is the DWI related fatal accidents in just the state of Arkansas alone last year (over 170). Yet we have 5 fatalities due to a shark, and everybody goes berserk to find the "killer shark".

Agreed Terry, the shark was doing what comes naturally in his environment.
There were five people killed on Queensland roads last weekend that hardly raised a comment.
Jim people who fall off cliffs? I like to think of that as natural selection.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Agreed Terry, the shark was doing what comes naturally in his environment.
There were five people killed on Queensland roads last weekend that hardly raised a comment.
Jim people who fall off cliffs? I like to think of that as natural selection.

Pete, you have to wonder, 23 people fall off cliffs in Venezuela and only one falls in Chile?

No one falls off cliffs in China? India?

One more thing Pete, wouldn't you consider swimming in shark infested waters to be a quintessential example of natural selection.

Perhaps even more than walking along a cliff?
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Yes I do, but the incidence of shark attacks is so minimal that it appears to be safer to go swimming with jaws than walk along a cliff. Certainly its a lot safer than driving your car.

Dimi Terleckyj

Lifetime Supporter
I would have thought that the people falling off cliffs must be related to lemmings.

Given that there is a population problem anyway why worry about a few people falling off cliffs.

If they choose to be that close to the edge then so be it.

You can't stop everything that could happen.



Pete, you have to wonder, 23 people fall off cliffs in Venezuela and only one falls in Chile?

No one falls off cliffs in China? India?

One more thing Pete, wouldn't you consider swimming in shark infested waters to be a quintessential example of natural selection.

Perhaps even more than walking along a cliff?

I'm very concerned that Holland isn't mentioned. I have a pal in the Dutch Mountain Rescue Unit, and he says it's like carnage over there...:worried:

It's getting worse here in the UK too. There is a petition started to fence off all coastline around the UK...

Might lower the immigration rate though... :)



Yes I do, but the incidence of shark attacks is so minimal that it appears to be safer to go swimming with jaws than walk along a cliff. Certainly its a lot safer than driving your car.

Pete, I think peeple should be killed before Great Whites mate. Without world wars now, the Great White is doing it's bit to cull the population Pete mate...

Pete, I think big sharks is a good thing, we need more.

Rick Muck- Mark IV

GT40s Sponsor
Pete, I think peeple should be killed before Great Whites mate.

So someone must die so sharks can have sex?

Will we have a lottery to determine who? I can suggest several people I would like to see "offered"....Nancy Grace, Rosie O'Donnell (will feed several for some time) most of the U.S. Congress and perhaps even a poster or two from this site....................


Holy crap Rick! I think you're onto something. Throw all the political contenders for high office in the shark tank and whoever survives is elected!

After all, to be a successful politician these days, one would need the killer instinct of a shark... the world's most perfect killing machine :stunned:

As for killing them, well, they've been around longer than Man and they seem to be still in their original form factor, so whoever designed it, got it right, straight out of the box.

I'm all for nature striking back at arrogant Man. :thumbsup:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Pete, I think peeple should be killed before Great Whites mate.

I think you are onto something Keef, but do sharks mate often enough to have an impact on the population?
Like most things I know little or nothing about the mating habits of sharks.
I did once know a loan shark who would screw everybody he could. So maybe sharks mate quite often?


Pete mate, you're so bleeding funny I've broke a rib you bugger mate. :laugh:

It seems no one has an answer for the number of cliff fall deaths in Holland. Are y'all asleep or what?
Holy crap Rick! I think you're onto something. Throw all the political contenders for high office in the shark tank and whoever survives is elected!



All those that can swim would survive, it is against political etiquette to eat your own kind :)