
Typical, Mark has made it clear over and over, any view that he does not agree with should be censored/destroyed.

Yes Mark, this may surprise you, but some people do have opinions that differ from you, I do not agree with Bauermann's post, but I respect his right to express it.

Mark, perhaps open discussions where both sides are represented is not your thing.

It seems that GT40s.com is just not repressive enough for your taste.

Perhaps you should start your own site so you can then censor all views except yours..................................

Nice one Jim. Here we see you again demonstrate that despite our many encounters, you continue to misunderstand me. perhaps it is not a failure on your part, to understand me, perhaps it is simply you exercising your constitutional right right to utter meaningless drivel just for effect?

In a civilized society like yours, rights and laws have been developed over centuries. I sincerely doubt that the right to free speech was ever intended to allow someone to be deliberately offensive or cruel. Rather, to prevent government from oppressing citizens' views. By all means, defend a persons' rights to free speech, but don't act like a moron by defending someone who is being cruel or heartless simply to be cruel and heartless. Apply your own values and think first. You need not stop him from speaking, but FFS, don't encourage the a-hole!

I am pleased that you offer yourself up as some sort of 'white knight', defending an idiot's right to say whatever he likes, whenever he likes, to whomever he likes and hope that you have explained to your family, that should a English bloke roll up to your funeral, he should be allowed to stand by your grave side, chanting out such vile rhetoric and abusive comments about you, with zero regard for the fact that he will undoubtedly offend and upset your grieving family members on that most sad occasion of your passing.

I understand and value the right to free speech Jim, without it, you and I could not fence with each other so freely. I just wish that you would stop being such a tosser! Bad taste is bad taste, poor form is poor form, selfish, cruel, heartless gossip is selfish and cruel. Rather than jumping to the defense of an ass who has no taste or sense of human consideration at times of great sorrow, you could perhaps, suggest to that person, that they choose different words or time the utterance of their comments a little more sensitively.

So, a person may indeed have the right to upset your family at your graveside, but I suggest that anyone who chose that moment, has clearly not the mental capacity to be given such a freedom and should not be defended by people like you who think the moon is made of cheese and all in the world is goodly. Somethings/people are just shit Jim. Deal with them on their own merits.


Yeah but by post #47 Mr B hasn't got any rights! That particular volte-face must have given crack whiplash...

YOU were the villain in post #34 Mark, not Mr B but by #47? Mr B got a right kicking from his only defender!

None of it makes any sense.