Be aware of where your donations go.

Consider giving to the TOP list in Green ===be sure to see the bottom I kept a copy of this for future reference


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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Wow...never expected to see United Way in the bottom list.

Thanks, Al!!


Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter

Thanks for the post, but I have to ask if it has been corroborated / validated?
I have been donating to Salvation Army ever since they saved my skin as a late teen with no food and no place to stay... It is good to see them at the top of the list!

Thanks for the post, but I have to ask if it has been corroborated / validated?
I have been donating to Salvation Army ever since they saved my skin as a late teen with no food and no place to stay... It is good to see them at the top of the list!

I've seen a number of other articles that say the same thing. Goodwill is the worst. I know a couple of women execs here in Tucson that make $150k with Goodwill. They take
advantage of the handicapped and pay them very poorly.


That's good to know Al thanks for posting that. The Sally Army (as it's know colloquially in Britain) is very active in the community and their efforts are fairly obvious especially in helping homeless people. They will also take you in and dry you out if you're a hopeless alcoholic but they'll only do it the one time. Such treatment they offer for free would cost over £1,500 per week in the private domain.

And I just love their brass bands. I'm a sucker for brass band music and they are among the best.

Among certain other charities, I have never had a qualm about donating my 'Widows Mite' to them and while they are obviously based on the teachings of the Christian Church, this is never forced upon you (but I don't have a problem with that either)..

I also have fond memories of them as a youthful drinker when they would invariably come around even to the roughest of pubs selling tubs of cockles and whelks with a free copy of War Cry. They were always treated with the greatest respect even by ruffians. Sadly, they no longer do this Friday night ritual.

However, I am also very careful who gets my little pile. For example, I wouldn't dream of donating to Oxfam anymore. Although they are very active, they are also very politically motivated and not a lot of your pound gets into the field. Don't talk to me about Amnesty International either. I have no idea where the money goes, but I dislike their politics intensely. Ooops. Should this be in the Politics thread? It might head that way....:drunk:

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I have been donating to Salvation Army ever since they saved my skin as a late teen with no food and no place to stay... It is good to see them at the top of the list!

They've been 'audited'(?) by every 'doubting Thomas' outfit since the dawn of time and come out spanking clean every time. I don't have any reservations/doubts/concerns whatsoever about where my money goes when I drop it off at my local S.A.

United Good Neighbors/United Way OTOH....................... :annoyed:
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