Well I nearly wet myself !

I nearly wet myself when I heard this.

One of our local Doctors has been reported to the General Medical Council by a "customer" for unprofessional behaviour when treating a patient.

Recently some “Travellers” have arrived and occupied an area of Common Land nearby. For our overseas readers, “Traveller” is a PC euphemism for the worst sort of Gypsy. We are not talking "Jolly Romany" here, but Pikeys who travel around the country in convoys of old vans and lorrys, parking and setting up camp wherever they can break-in and generally abusing and vandalising all the rural facilities. They are not popular with the locals as they break up vehicles, always leave a terrible mess, and by a strange coincidence the crime rate soars wherever they go.

Anyway, two travellers went into the town Doctors Surgery demanding to be seen.
They were both very large scruffy folk, and the woman was reported to be obese in the extreme.

The male demanded that the doctor treat the woman for her weight problem.

The Doctor suggested that a good start would be for her to walk 3 miles each morning and 3 miles again each evening.

“How will that do any good?” demanded the scruffy one.

To which our good Doctor replied “ Well at least by next Thursday she'll be 36 miles away !”

I hope he gets off … or better yet, gets a comedy award !