RCR 40 Reappears

OK - its time for me to fess up. I am now the very proud owner of an RCR40. In this case its actually one of Frans original cars that I bought off another customer. I guess that makes me the first owner of a secondhand RCR!

Anyway - limited work had started and the previous owner was too busy to complete so Im basically starting from scratch. Ill post some pics in the build section when i figure out how to do it!

I also have to say a massive THANKS to :bow: Fran as it seems his outstanding customer service extends to anyone building one of his vehicles no matter whether they bought it direct from him or not. All the other postive comments you read in these forums related to RCR are certainly true.

For right now I am still in the "just sit and stare" mode. Im thinking of charging for visitors to come and stare at the monocoque! :grinf:

BFN - Have some rear clip alignment to complete.


Lifetime Supporter
Congratulations on the purchase, indeed. And welcome... both the forum AND to the RCR family.

All of us who lust after the GT can surely appreciate the 'sit n stare' mode you're currently suffering from -- just looking at the car still gives me chills!

Your thought suggesting charging a fee for having a look at the car is wwll founded though, based on my limited experience with the RCR40 in my garage, I've found it FAR easier to just take the billfold when they're pretty much hypnotised by the lines of the car. The last time I checked, this 'hypnosis fee' as I call it has raised enough cash to almost pay for the paint.

Again, welcome to the group (and well done on the purchase, by the way). Looking forward to watching your build.

