Yet another Noob

Guess I'm busting in here, maybe not so welcome. Please let me know and I'll skidaddle. I am in the process of conceptualizing a carbased on my perhaps too fertile imagination. There are so few folks actively pursuing a merd car and I find your conversations helpful to my pursuits. I drive between my home in Lansing and Detroit quite a bit and every time I drive by the Ford plant in (where?) Novi I become a danger to society because of the swivel neck syndrome I develop looking at the GT40 on the roof. Seems like you guys favor a V-8, I will be using a Duratec. I do want to longitudinally mount the engine if I can come up with a trans. In my eagerness to do so I even purchased a Chrysler 42LE. It's leaving tomorrow morning, I just could never quite settle into an auto trans. Sort of like playing the air guitar. Just not the same. So I'm on the hunt for an Audi trans of some flavor. I'm thinking an 012. What I have going for me is less torque (more than likely). What I have going against me is I'm unfamiliar. I really should build and dyno the motor before settling on something, but I can't seem to find even a rebuildable core so I can start fitting the rear syspension. Blind, I guess. Suggestions as to where, what, how, etc...would be welcomed. Maybe you know of where to come up with dimensional data so I can build an adapter? Save me time on a cmm.

So that's me.