interesting link

Ron Earp

Ok, I'll help. I'll be down tomorrow to take half of them away. Intervention is the only way and you've taken the first step, admitting you have a problem - good for you. Soon, we'll have you cured. Anyone else care to help Chuck and take the other half? I know it is hard, but it is for his own good.


Lifetime Supporter
Congratulations Chuck! Sweeet! When you find the right counselor, please let me know. Maybe we can get a volume discount! I need help too!

I'll take the balance of whats left, just stick em in a container & address it to ;Jac Mac, Gore, NZ. You can come down each february & race them in the SFOS, put the missus on the plane to Queenstown when you arrive in Christchurch & tell her you will meet her there in 18 days time. We will have the car's in Ch Ch for the first round, heck with three cars you would be safe for a drive at each of the three meetings, just leave your card details as you head home so we can patch them up for the next annual 'holiday'.
Better stop now or Ron will be kicking my butt for touting for business-as if!!!:)
it was Robs car, it has about 4000 miles on it, 427 IR , RBT ZF. I think I will do it up as the Holman Moody # 40 car. First thing to do to it will be to replace any blue and red fittings and de shine the Roush motor. I cannot understand why Roush insists on putting polished manifolds ect on their engines for these vintage cars. I prefer vintage dull aluminum finishes, plain aluminum fittings with startlite hoses, some oil spatter and a few paint dings. I will drive it in the rain and will not panic when some kid leans on it to get a better look into the cockpit.