Uploading videos

I tried to upload a 9.6 MB mpg video and it's telling me it failed. No reason identified. The file shouldn't be too big - it says it will take them up to 19.07 MB... What am I doing wrong???

Ron Earp

Hi Steve,

I don't know what it is with the video attachements but they seem not to work 99% of the time. I was able to upload a movie, but when I tried larger ones, like 8 meg or so, they would always fail.

I imagine what I'll do is turn those file types "off" so it won't give people the option to load them. I am not sure the server would be happy dealing with them anyhow - with the new features we have on the Gallery, Member Rides, and standard attachments we're serving a lot of pictures and bandwidth anyhow. Movies would increase bandwidth usage by a couple orders of magnitude.

Sorry about the trouble.


Ron Earp

Yep, that is what I forgot to mention - there are numerous video sites that are free and setup to host videos, www.youtube.com is probably the most popular, but there are others as well - all free.
