Bogus Site Feedback Form

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

If you get an email that has a subject line like " Contact Us Form - Site Feedback", it is a bogus email! We have not sent out any feeedback forms.


Ron Earp

My wife was telling me about how a lot of these things work.

Bots go out to sites and look for things like "Contact Us", "Feedback" etc. and then take text from that and stuff it into an email. Where do they get the email addresses to mail to? They mine the same site for as many email addresses they can find. Then, they email those addresses with the text they pulled from the site so that the email "looks" like it should "go" with the site. They attach their worm or virus and hope you open it!

There are many, many, many other schemes that do this too but I thought I'd put a bit of info out there for how this happens. The email doesn't come from or anything like that, but it'll have a line identifying somewhere in hopes to fool you.

That is why you should never post your email address on a web site. I publish my company web site and I always protect email addresses from bots by using a java script to stitch together the email addresses from a couple of variables.

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

It can be to collect data from your computer. Generally, they are looking for active email addresses, which are then compiled and sold. The larger the list and the more valid addresses it contains, the more it is worth.

And, then there are the ^$$holes who are just malicious and send out viruses.
