A dilemma (NSFW)


Re: A dilemma

Is she on a minature bike or something? Yikes!!!!! Quick, scroll up and take a look again at the picture above and breath deeply!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Re: A dilemma


I like bikes especially the Duke.


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Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Re: A dilemma

OMG - This thread is now no longer safe for work.. I think I just threw up!!! :eek:

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Re: A dilemma

Back to Jim's windscreen wipers - apart from the aesthetic appeal, the other brilliant innovation is the ease of installation - a simple suction cup !!

Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
Re: A dilemma

Both a bit tacky for my tastes, but I'd take 'em for both for a test-run even if I wouldn't buy. Pete, you're obviously a man of previously hidden taste and distinction. Yours look much better!

I was never much of a fan of tequila, but I was in Bali last week and introduced to Jose Cuervo - very nice. Matter of fact, I'm having one right now...

Do you know John White? He was just in Bali and is from your area.
Re: A dilemma

Isn't this what your pit crew looks like at the Run and Gun?:pepper:


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Re: A dilemma


Thanks for sharing
Dont rush in guys there is enough for everyone.

Pete I am getting the feeling you have an endless supply of these pics.



Lifetime Supporter
Re: A dilemma

You guys are killing me.... :D

OK so.... for the opening response... After much consideration....I'll go with the green. The alley simply couldn't be dark enough, and when I'm done with the ride, I know the only think that would haunt me would be the memories. So...lower risk decision.

Re. Pete's first pic..... confused..gone back a few times....still don't see an MB. Come on Pete.... put some pics in with CARS in them. On that note...a colleague of mine sent me this pic with a statement about a Caterham that he wanted. I'll be damned if I can find one in the pic. Had to call him..... I think it's like one of those dot pictures, where you have to stare at it for an hour or something before it becomes visible to you.

By the way... I agree... Chris... I expect my dog to drop a stink bomb and leave the room, but held you in higher esteem. blahh...having difficulty getting the taste outa my mouth. Should probably check out some of Pete's pics again......


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Re: A dilemma

Hi Guys
I've not run out on you

I'm just not quite getting the spirit of this thread, I'm trying my best to help out.

Here is a nice fit young lady with a car for you guys enjoy.

Have a nice day




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Lifetime Supporter
Re: A dilemma

Well Chris... I give you credit for the effort. Keep trying mate...

Pat... good catch man. I do believe it is a Johnson....
Re: A dilemma

OK, Chris, we are starting to see a pattern emerge here. We've all heard the stories about you kinky English blokes. Is this stuff from your own private collection? LOL :D
