Recent content by Enzo Slayer

  1. E

    SCCA Spec Racer

    Kinda looks like this car called the Red Back out of Austrailia by Carbon tech: Click Here
  2. E

    GT-40 is hot and all but..................

    Interesting that these fellas have finally put something together....but it does look a little a McLaren F1 midget racer However...if anyone is interested in talking with a man that is in the process of building one more to scale and in a more accurate detail...send me an email...
  3. E


    The holes in the seats were a strategic design by the leading automotive engineers and proctologists of that period. The idea was that when a driver became flatulant, the pure methane would be funneled into a pipe leading to the intake manifold, thus boosting the horse power...
  4. E

    Neal, Here is some info on the company, put together a scary document threatening litigation..they will take note and respond I am sure. Regards, Clay Administrative Contact: Lui, Rebecca (OTJGJVIREO) [email protected] Saddleback Group, Inc. 29 Hubble Irvine ...
  5. E


    This is an interesting thread.....I will use my present girlfriend and ex girlfriend to represent a different perspective. My ex was "real" and in "stock form" much fun as she was, she didnt quite have the performance or "drivabiltly" of my current girlfriend that has been "custom...
  6. E

    A noble attempt

    Economic Alternative The above link will make some laugh and make some cry (I know I did) but to others perhaps will represent a viable means to get into the "GT-40 World"......well at least as much as a Pontiac Donor allows.
  7. E

    non relative but curious

    Well the kit of course would be considerably lighter. And with Turnbull Engineering doing the chassis, their ford racing heritage attests to the performance. In fact this Countess could easily out perform a real one from what I gather. Kinda Tempting
  8. E

    non relative but curious

    well apparently if I wanted a real one, they can be had with low mileage for about 55K and up. From an aesthetic appearance the older I feel look better ('79 to about '85) however the engines improved considerably in the late eighties....but then they got vent and side skirt happy and made them...
  9. E

    non relative but curious

    Well there is always the option to putting in a BMW 750 V-12 for a bit more money and perhaps a tad more authenticity....with a Racing Dynamics Chip no less. I have always thought that a car designed in italy with a japanese or german motor and assembled or manufactured in New Zealand would be...
  10. E

    non relative but curious

    I am a die hard fan of the GT-40 and have a little nest egg ready to be cracked open for such a venture but I am also open to other manufacturers representations of personal favorites....Such as the Porsche 550 Spyder, 356, and Lambo Countach. The first two are an easy find and at reasonable...
  11. E

    GT40 Suspension Drawings

    Chris, What are you a secret agent!....Nice spy photos.
  12. E

    Anyone know about this car?

    Interested in hearing more if the info is available.....It looks like it could be buildable off a GT-40 chassis easily. I like its lines, very could be made milder I am sure for a more streetable version. Regards, Thomas
  13. E


    ........and the plot thickens. We wonder why the kit car industry has such a poor name? Case in point.
  14. E

    American GT Website

    when using AOL I get nothing but "runtime errors" over all the buttons on the home page...any fix in sight for AOL users? Regards Thomas
  15. E

    Anyone know about this car?

    Not sure what it is....but I want one. There appears to be a gt-40 in there somewhere amongst all those fairings and vents....Kinda reminds me of the McLaren LTS "long tail" Very slick. Thomas