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  1. N

    Mountain to the sea.

    [ QUOTE ] That's only 3 hours in a GT40. [/ QUOTE ] But you would be a pedestrian for a long time if caught.
  2. N

    Just wondering

    [ QUOTE ] Part of the reason behind the RCR/ERA choice was the no rust factor . [/ QUOTE ] And you think Aliminium doesn't rust (corrode)?
  3. N

    Awesome video

    If you have a look at this thread this video featured in.
  4. N

    GT40s take honours at Shelby Festival in OZ

    The timing actually start when the cars starts to move and a perfect reaction time would be 0.400.
  5. N

    Original GULF BRMs on Ebay

    This looks like them GULF GT40 BRM race wheels