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  1. C

    Climate change

    OK, this cannot go unanswered. When we start quoting Senetor Steve Fielding, then I know that we are clutching at straws. The fact is that the questions that the Senetor had asked, had been answered, so I don't know where you got the impression that there were no answers. I won't bore everyone...
  2. C

    Climate change

    I don't believe for a moment that you are being open minded with just a touch of skepticism. You seemed obsessed to me given all the posts that you have place on this forum. But if you want to make this a scientific discussion, then lets do that. But before we can have that discussion, we all...
  3. C

    Climate change

    Cliff, don't feel intimidated. Your assessment of the disproportionate number of conservatives on this site is right on the money. But by the same token, there lots of liberal thinkers here too who no longer see the point of trying to move an imovable object. After all, by definition...
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    Wildfires in Australia

    I can see how it can be all too easy to fall into the trap of playing the blame game for the sake of blowing off some steam, but it really isn't a time for that. There will be an investigation and we will see if there is anything more that can be done to avoid this happening again in the future...
  5. C

    Obama Fights Lawsuit

    The assumption that early humanoids lost their fur because they moved to a warmer climate is probably not correct. The reality is that although fur is useful in keeping an organism warm, it is also a burden on that organism. It houses parasites and increases the chance of collecting and...
  6. C

    Obama Fights Lawsuit

    Big Foot, You're not serious... are you? You are just pulling my leg... right? :D Howard, I really struggle to follow your reasoning most of the time. * You say that its stealing to take money without permission yet you think its OK to take my money without my permission to fund an immoral...
  7. C

    Obama Fights Lawsuit

    "I need to know when life begins" This "when" question will never be answered because it is irrelevant. The fact is that life began about 3.5 billion years ago and all life that has existed since is simply the continuity of that first life, including you, me the tree outside your front gate...
  8. C

    WANTED - Large Hadron Collider

    Jokes aside, this has to be the most interesting piece of science to have come along in a very long time, if not ever. I'm old enough to remember mankind's first landing on the moon and the excitement that was generated then. The anticipation of the discoveries that are likely to come out of...
  9. C

    WANTED - Large Hadron Collider

    Hey mate I might be interested. Might be fun to create a black hole that sucks in whole planets for a change. The last one I had created black holes but they all lead to really annoying opposite universes... damn thing kept spitting out really weird things like Ferraris that weren't red and left...
  10. C

    WANTED - Large Hadron Collider

    Does anyone know where I might find a Large Hadron Collider at a reasonable price? I'd prefer one that won't cause the cataclysmic destruction of the Earth but I'll consider anything... as long as it creates God Particles! :wreck:
  11. C

    Investment Vehicles - Let's hear about them...

    I’ve thought a lot about this, mostly from the perspective of trying to justify having a fantastic piece of machinery sitting in my garage. But I just can’t get the figures to add up if we compare it to shares/property/term-deposit.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> As I see it (and these are just my...
  12. C

    Would you run your 40 on an eletric engine?

    ... proving quite convincingly that there is always an exception to the rule ;) ...and thanks by the way for helping me find yet another reason to curse them damn rotaries!!! :D
  13. C

    Would you run your 40 on an eletric engine?

    Ideally I'd like to have two GT40s. One with the original 302W (just for the link back to the original) and another that I can modify to my heart's content with the latest and greatest (because that's what the GT40 was all about) and that absolutely includes the possibility of an electric motor...
  14. C

    Biting the hand that feeds you/shot you.

    I remember saying on this forum many years ago that I believed that invading Iraq was only likely to make things worse. So much so that it would probably take an entire generation before we could say that the situation was back to where it was before we got involved. But to answer your...
  15. C

    Biting the hand that feeds you/shot you.

    I walked away from this forum a few months ago because of what I saw was an imbalance of rednecks and because I was afraid that I might say something (else) that I regretted, but I'm very happy to see that the balance has now been redressed. Pete, all I can say about your comments is that you...
  16. C

    Cost of Iraq war???????

    WARNING! WARNING! There is a lunie leftie poofo zealot posing as Geedubya at the moment. Its a dead giveaway that he's a phoney. He's trying to solve problems in the middle east with discussions and diplomacy. Quick call in the army, the air force, the navy, heck lets even send some boy scouts...
  17. C

    Australia changes Government

    Fact: When the Fraser/Howard government left office, interest rates were on their way up. Fact: The incoming Hawk/Keating government inherited an economy that encouraged this upward trend but managed to turn the trend around. Fact: When the Keating government left office, the interest rates...
  18. C

    Australia changes Government

    Tim, I echo that remark. I enjoy your comments on this forum too. But just to try and get this thread back on track, I consider myself a swinging voter. All up, between federal and state, it's probably about a 50/50 split in the lower house, and the upper house has seen me vote for the minor...
  19. C

    Cost of Iraq war???????

    You are damned right I am condescending because I personally have had enough of my rights being slowly eroded, human life being slowly devalued and racial hatred becoming the norm, just because some people are too busy thumping their chest to listen to reason. But you know nothing about me and...
  20. C

    Cost of Iraq war???????

    Before you can propose a solution you must first understand the problem. Unfortunately the issue has been so deliberately clouded by propaganda and prov ado that the problem is still anything but clearly understood. And it is easy to tell who have been the most gullible. They are those who have...