Size of fuel pickup pipe


RCR GT 40 Gulf Livery 347 Eight Stack injection
how much horsepower does your motor produce?

I googled fuel line size and found this:

Fuel Line Sizing — What Size Do I Need?
By admin on November 16, 2012 in General, Technical Articles

Lots of strange information out on the internet regarding fuel line sizing and it seems like most of the time people run way more diameter fuel line than they need. This is an interesting article that I came across that seems to be pretty relevant.
Quick reference for AN to Inch line conversion:
-6AN = 3/8″
-8AN = 1/2″
-10AN = 5/8″
-12AN = 3/4″
Fuel Line Sizing
A question that is often asked of me when dealing with high horsepower applications is: “My fuel line is nominal 3/8” id. Don’t I need to increase the size of the fuel line to at least ½” id (from a #6 to a #8 or #10) to support say 600 HP”?
The answer is “NO”! A 3/8”id fuel line can easily support 600 HP given sufficient “pump head”! Given a big enough pump a 3/8” steel line could support 1000 HP.

Bill Kearley

Almost all electric fuel pumps will have specs that show a given PSI @ a given volume. 99 % of the time a 3/8 line is more than enough.