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  • hey don't let all those positive posts from others get you down. They all realize that jay trolls this site and want to keep themselves in his good graces.
    my story about Jay is about as bad as you will read, my recommendation, be glad you cut this toxic person from your build. If he was as important as he thinks he is nobody would get into this hobby.
    Hi David, Peter Barnes contacted me as you are after some dimensions? I am away with work at the moment but will be able to have a measure when I get back home in a couple of weeks, can you PM me your email address as it's easier than going through GT40's.com
    Hi David I'm very interested in the parts that may be for sale. Please let me know the best way to contact.

    Kind regards,
    hello David, the steering position should be set to be inline with the centre of the seat. i see you are using Bill Hough's bodywork which is based on "as original" which is why the steering position in the dashboard is set more centrally.

    regards Lee
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    Reactions: davidmgbv8
    Thanks Lee, if I center the seat in the chassis then the Southern steering position is central.if I center the seat off the dash the the seat is offset to the center of the tub and I would have to move the steering wheel over.
    Did anyone ever pick up that extra set of blue ovals you had? I could use them for a project I will be starting this summer. Thanks.
    yes they did, a guy in Florida. However if you order now you can probably get them in 4 weeks.
    Kevin B
    Good to know. thank you.
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