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  • Greetings,

    Should you wish to make the fan(s) on your coolers RPM based, I believe Pegasus has an RPM switch ( simple to understand ) that may allow you to have the fans come on at low RPMs and turn off at higher RPMs allowing the car moving through the air to not be restricted.

    Just an idea.


    I have a friend that needs some help setting up his chassis, can you shed some insight?

    He is local to you
    Hi Dean, are you still looking at a trip to Michigan any time soon? I am just up the road from you a bit and would love to share the expenses as well as see the factory first hand,,,, never been but definitely want to.

    Hey Dean, check your AOL email, esp the junk folder- I sent you an email. Thanks,

    Dean, Did you get my email about the spring rates?
    Did you change the rears? you said in your post about track testing that you were thinking about changing them . I was wondering if you ever did.

    Dean, looking at the January '09 issue of KIT CAR it almost looks like you are running 3 fuel pumps? Possibly two Weldon 600-A F-Pumps and one Facet Dura-Lift F-Pump???? Is the Facet Pump for the Swirrle Pot?

    Hey , Dean I hope things are going good for you? Now that you have had the new DynaTek system set up for a while how do you like it still? Are you also having the rear flares on your GT40 widened to the gulf width?

    Dean, I'm interested in your 17's and the tires. Could you either call me at 425-445-9922 or give my your number and I'll call you.

    I'm in Seattle by the way.

    Brad Shain
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