Charlie Farley
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  • Hey watch out for Brian Wood, he put me in contact with a guy for parts, now neither of them are answering their emails
    Andrew, I got your voicemail. I'm in Mississippi so in Central Standard Time and am retired so you can call me pretty much anytime that's convenient to you. I'd like to get current price list for the 240A parts and a copy of the rebuild instructions PDF if possible. Thanks for the great info on the forum.
    Charlie, The posts are from a while back but I'm trying to learn how to rebuild the SW 240A fuel pumps and was wondering if you still had some of the info you posted about. Documents, parts, or sources for either would be much appreciated. Thanks,
    Mickey [email protected]
    Charlie, new to the forum, i'm boning up on the SLC before i buy one and get started...just saw the thread in about Le Mans and thought i'd ask you about it. Planning on attending next year or 2016 with my wife and a friend. Any chance you can take the time to give me the low down on what to budget and what the tricks are to keep it relatively cheap but still good fun...Cheers, David [email protected]
    hi Charly,
    I followed the discussion regarding Aurelias problem..
    I have a similar problem, because the Tornado I own was built in 1994 and due to emission laws I have a big problem to ret it road registered here in Germany. So I don´t know what you wrote in your PM to Aurelian, but i assume you may have a solution for the problem- also my problem?
    please get back to me in a PM or to: [email protected]
    Hello, would it be possible for you to send me a PDF of the Stewart Warner 240A fuel pump service instructions, I've just bought a couple of Ebay and whilst they look in good nick I'd like to know a bit more about them, thanks in anticipation
    My email address is [email protected]

    I love this site. I've taken my fuel pump apart two months ago and I can't remember how to reassemble it?! Can you send the complete instruction list to me? My e-mail is [email protected]. Thank-you very much.
    Charlie ... I would be interested in buying one of the Ansul Fire Extingushers if you have
    any available . I would appreciate it if you could let me know and How Much
    $$$$ .... I,am in Ohio in the States THanks Ted Baird
    [email protected]
    I see you have been involved in the search of parts for 1085, ana I was wondering if you could help me with sme tire info. Red the article in Octane a few days ago, and as I looked at the car, I could not recognise the tires used on the car. Could you help me with info on what brand of tires is used, and what size they are front and rear?

    I have a Shelby GT 350 I’m restoring and the old SW 240 is in need of a rebuild. Please advise on obtaining the necessary parts, instructions for rebuild and price plus shipping to the Colonies(USA). Thank you.

    JD Roehrig e-mail [email protected]
    Good afternoon Charlie

    I saw your steering rack in the thread with Andy. Is it possible, to change the steering with the MGB I have ? And, 2nd question, is it also possible to make this for a LHD car ? I am just investigating.

    For me, correct parts and solid steering are important too, and if there is a possibility to make it, I am interested in. Thank you for a short reply, if you like, you can send me a PM too.

    Kind regards Marcel from Switzerland.
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