Put Another Shrimp On The Barbie

Charlie Farley

Thats disgusting.
Day after day, we all read similar reports. I have always believed that all aspects of life are governed by the ' pendulum ' effect.
I'm just praying that with regards to the public's acceptance of this type of behaviour, the pendulum is now truly swinging back. I think the time has come to make examples of these type of scum. Feck human rights, they left them as soon as they got onto the station platform. They should be publically flogged ! Then i'm sure we would see others think twice.
In the UK, recently a serverly injured soldier, with one leg amputated and other visible injuries, confined to a wheelchair, was publicly abused by scum like this. I'd like to take them out to Taliban territory and give them an assault rifle with the feed chain deliberately jammed. Then they could experience for themselves how life can be cruel.
These guys should have to do 5 years in the army instead of the taxpayer putting them up in juvinile detention until they are adults. At 15 and 16 people know the difference between right and wrong.
This is horrible but underlines a deeper issue starting to make itself more prevelant ... A lack of morals and HORRIBLE PARENTAL INPUT. At the end of the day they know right from wrong and should be held accountable for THEIR actions but where were the parents during those crucial years of early childhood development. Sorry but my step daughter (soon to be) just turned 14 and the worst thing that she has ever done is use foul language after hurting herself.

It is easy to blame the kids (and rightfully so) but will that really do anything to curtail the issue? Parents need to start to look at themselves and the way that they are raising their children!!!!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Damian, I am with you on the parental input or lack of it. But it goes far deeper than that, we live in a Nanny country where if a parent smacks a child they can be done for assault, the same goes for teachers and police. Kids know this and know that they can get away with almost anything without fear of reprisal. Add to that the violence of movies, video games and the Internet and kids think it is a badge of honour to kick the crap out of someone.
The culture of the world has changed,for the worse I fear.Lets hope Charley F's pendulum effect kicks in soon. I am also for National service, a few hours cleaning the dunny with a tooth brush would do these scum the world of good.
I was disgusted to see this on our news. And the offender whose face would have been seen in the video camera clip had the courtesy of having his face blurred out; why do our laws protect the rights of the scum element so much?
I've talked to Police who have spent many hours and worked hard to catch young car thieves, only to have them freed by a well-meaning judge in court. They (low life) laugh at the system that lets them get away with this. Some sort of forced hard work is required to redirect their energies and focus their minds on what is acceptable to the community. I'd quite like to see them in a chain gang weeding the local park, building walls and paths, cleaning out train carriages and buses (with a toothbrush if you like), scrubbing graffiti, all day every day until they learn to act a lot better.
To whomever's children those two are: you messed up big time as a parent. What did you do (or not do) such that your children ended up being such despicable animals? Whatever it was, you weren't qualified to bring new life into the world when you did, and you should be held accountable for your failure as a parent for what they've done now.

And your children should have to do 5 years hard labor for that.