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  • It's a bugger to work with - L72. Strong as an Ox and about as stubborn. What Hewland box is correct. I don't think Lotus would make their own. So I can keep my eye out for the right one for you. I've just sold an LG600 (too big for your car) and wow, you have to know what the current prices are. I bought the box for £3500 a few years back and sold it for £21,000. I have a zillion projects: A beech 18 expeditor the biggest. The 332 and the M10B and a Works Metro 6R4 rally car. And a sort of quasi Maclaren tub/Ferrari body 312PB. Why do we do this to ourselves.

    Keep up the great work. I'd love to see the latest pictures. Did you score a DFV - they're getting stupid expensive too? Max
    Hello Gordy, if the GTD is still available please send images and any additional info that has not already been mentioned, ie... suspension. Thanks for your time.

    [email protected]
    Gordy, I would like to take a look at that gt40 you're selling,
    mid next week may work for me,
    I'm located just outside of milwaukee..
    Hi Gordy, Interested in your GT 40. I have a couple of cars to sell before I can commit. Have a nice '32 ford Roadster and a '32 ford Steel Pick up that have to go. The truck is completing a new engine swap from 302 ford to 350 Chevy. Have to complete the exhaust and interior. Can't say how long it will take with spring commitments. Seems my wife has lots for me to do. I'm on it hard though. Send me some photos.
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