Adventure RV

Bill Kearley

A Canadian gal. Chris. 20% bigger and about $ 5.20 a Cdn. gallon. I drive like an old man.
Have you given any thought to aluminum honey comb and glue? Check out Tiny Home Tour on youtube. I had a long chat with this guy up north last year.
It will be nice to watch your build
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Chris Kouba

A Canadian gal. Chris. 20% bigger and about $ 5.20 a Cdn. gallon. I drive like an old man.
Have you given any thought to aluminum honey comb and glue? Check out Tiny Home Tour on youtube. I had a long chat with this guy up north last year.
It will be nice to watch your build

I had thought about it, as well as the other foam laminate options, but in the interest of self-building, I am going with the steel hab with some antics to prevent thermal bridging. I want it robust and I trust myself with the hot glue gun.


I looked up Mt Daniels on SummitPost and it looks like a fun climb. Have you climbed in Wy or CO?

Chris Kouba

Daniel was beautiful. Not overly technical but a great outing in the hills:





I haven't climbed much outside of OR, WA, and BC. I climbed and backcountry skied in the Pyrenees when I lived in France for a while and I've done a random trip or two into CA plus a 3 week trip to the Bolivian Andes. I did one or two minor technical trips in AZ when I was living there too, but nothing technical in CO or WY (I have hiked up Pikes Peak). Other than a few quick overnights the past few years (as in quite literally- once a year), I haven't really been getting out to climb much at all.

I have friends who have gotten over to ID, WY, CO, UT and raved about it. I know it's something that should be on my radar but I only have so many hours in my days...
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Chris, I'd recommend climbing in the Wind River Range in WY if you ever get the chance. You will not regret it. Back in 1968 (I'm an old fart now- 82) some friends and I climbed Gannett Peak and a year later Mt Woodrow Wilson. The Gannett Peak trip was a 50 mile round trip backpack and the snow & ice was far more extensive than it is now. We obtained a crossing permit from the Shashone Indians at Ft Washakie and did the Scenic Pass entry route (it was called "Horse Ridge" back then).


  • Gannet Peak 2.jpg
    Gannet Peak 2.jpg
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  • Neil 2.jpg
    Neil 2.jpg
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Chris Kouba

Inside the cover of my guidebooks, I have scribbled peaks and routes that I have wanted to climb over the years. Some routes have names and dates next to them, some remain yet to be ticked, but that shot on Gannet is motivating. Looks spectacular. Reminds me of a route on Hood:


I've climbed Olympus, which is a 17 mile approach, then a ~10 mile summit day, followed by a 17 mile extraction, making for an action packed 3 days. None of my "real" climber friends wanted to do that one with me (too much effort, minimal technical challenge) but some of my backpacking friends thought it sounded great. Scenery was fantastic.


Nice photo! The summit ridge? One thing about the Wind River Range that is unique is how remote they are. Gannett is in the Bridger Wilderness Area and nothing is permitted in there except backpacking and horses or lamas. Fishermen often pack in by horseback but climbers always hike in carrying 50 to 60 lbs. It's necessary to provide for being stranded for additional days because of the unpredictable alpine weather. As always, heed the age-old advice "Be off the peaks by noon" Lightning up there is NO fun!
Might sound crazy, but why not bolt an existing trailer camper of adequate size onto the back?

I Have seen several pontoon boats with smaller campers bolted to the deck and they have come out really nice.

Bill Kearley

Scott, I think building one would be a great project. Cost more, time and likely money, but you get what you want. I wanted to do it for years using FRP and foam, but wondered if I would ever finish it.

Chris Kouba

Might sound crazy, but why not bolt an existing trailer camper of adequate size onto the back?

Early on, I had thought about the idea, Scott (and seen it done). While it would be a quicker and possibly cheaper way to get things going, nothing I've seen gives me any confidence a commercial unit would be comparably robust to match the chassis. Typically they are stapled and glued together quickly.

We don't really care all that much about sparkly finishes and such. My final product will be fairly simple but robust. That is the theme of the entire project. The commercial units don't quite fit that vision.

And none of them have anywhere close to the desired amount of storage. We have touring kayaks and biking gear which I don't want to carry on the vehicle exterior.

Chris Kouba

Doesn't look like a lot of progress but the jungle gym is starting to come together:


I was excited to see that my high school trig still worked when I was figuring out the angles and lengths for the diagonals.
I was excited to see that my high school trig still worked "Gee Mr. XXXX, when am I EVER gonna use this stuff" I asked..................
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Chris Kouba

I've been sticking a bunch of metal together lately. I then moved it out of the shed and took a picture. Then I used my mad MS Paint skillz to create this fairly accurate picto-rendering:


Looking forward to getting the structure finished and off to blast and powder coat so I can get a skin on it and start building it out!!

Chris Kouba

So how about towing a car trailer.
We (my wife & I) always believed whatever happens, we must be able to haul our GT40 behind it.

JP - The camper is very mission-specific. I don't want to tow a trailer when exploring so I have skipped provisioning for that, and I already have a different tow rig if I drag the GT anywhere.

Chris Kouba

Went to install a sunroof yesterday, but I put it in the rear wall instead. Massive job which I was dreading is now done:

