GT40 50th Reunion- CHANGES!!!! is the latest. Working with SVRA and Watkins Glen International we have come to the conclusions that:

1) We were late to the party, we should have been working on this a year ago. My bad.
2) Watkins Glen International will not be able to support us in the manner we will require mostly due to the national MG convention being held on conjunction with the Vintage Grand Prix.
3) We need to maximize the track time and amenities for all of the GT owners attending.

Based on these facts Dennis Olthoff and myself have revised the plan. The 50th GT40 reunion will be held at Virginia International Raceway September 24-28th in conjunction with SVRA Vintage races. While losing the Glen and its' history is a disappointment, the logistics at VIR will be superior. The benefits are:

1) Olthoff Racing will run a FULL DAY track event on the 24th. This will be exclusive to our GT40 group and some other invited guests. You will have HOURS of track time available as well as instruction. Dennis knows VIR very well and runs a top shelf event.
2) At VIR we will have dedicated paddock/parking/show area. We will not be spread out and will have security at night.
3) SVRA will be able to provide us high speed laps on Thursday and Friday, likely two 1/2 hour sessions per day
4) We will have touring laps available on Sunday and possibly other days as well.

While I am disappointed to not be able to do this at the Glen, it is more important to do it and do it well. And VIR will support us as they don't have to deal with 300+ MGs.

Dennis is arranging hotel information and we will put together some social events, etc. to keep everyone entertained.

Please let us know your thoughts. We need the two polls previously posted to be voted on:

Any questions, suggestions, etc. please email rick(AT) or call 716.407.0975

Please let us know your thoughts


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Unfortunately the date doesn't work for me due to my daughter's return from Wales. Even if there was no date conflict, I would be hesitant to run the route I have to take to get there from CT with an open would be more suited to a combination of armored vehicle / motocross bike. Still, it could be do-able with a "way-out-and-around" route. For those who have never been there, 1) what's available for off-the-premises attractions and 2) is VIR going to promote the GT40 50th specifically as a spectator and track time event within the Vintage Racing weekend? I think that historically, the Watkins Glen venue would have been ideal but for those who are looking for track time, this fits the bill. Thanks, Rick for your efforts to make this a reality. For me, maybe another time.

Mark Charlton

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Unfortunately the new distance and dates mean that I'm now out.

Thanks for your efforts Rick.

This gets me to a free weekend!!!!!:2thumbsup:

And maybe out of the dog I would have had to miss the Sunday events due to my son's Boy scout troops car show.

There is no short cut from Maine to Virginia but I do know to avoid NY city (I-95) One trip through there with the Daytona was more than enough for me. But taking the 287 out and around NY is not that bad.....

Keep us posted on the details.


Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
You can still count me in but its going to be a tight schedule, my son gets married on the 20th in Northern California.
For those who are now positively not going to make it to VIR, is there any interest still in going to Watkins Glen for the weekend events (maybe Fri-Sun) primarily as spectators? This wouldn't affect the VIR attendance as we now can't make that event. If so, we could discuss that on another thread so as not to clog this one.
We still be at the Glen and have laps on Sunday afternoon. We will be set up in the paddock and if you come and see us we will get you signed up for the Sunday laps.
That actually sounds like a good deal. Admittedly there will not be the "organized" historic representation as a group but we could group together for an unofficial presence. That would give those of us not able to make it to VIR a chance for our outing as well. Rick - Is there still a chance to park together for the in-town event/celebration? Mike / anyone else interested?
That actually sounds like a good deal. Admittedly there will not be the "organized" historic representation as a group but we could group together for an unofficial presence. That would give those of us not able to make it to VIR a chance for our outing as well. Rick - Is there still a chance to park together for the in-town event/celebration? Mike / anyone else interested?

Yes, we can have dedicated parking for GTs at the Glen.

Let me know so we can plan. rick(AT)
Sunday laps are paced by WGI pace car. They are NOT "open track" laps, no passing and no dropping back and then blasting forward allowed. HOWEVER the pace car and race control do "step it up" a bunch and we do get triple digit straights and some G's in the turns. They are aware our cars are not the usual that do the lunch break laps on Sunday.

We get three to four laps depending upon the schedule. Certainly not like an open track event but still a lot of fun as passengers are allowed and a great chance to see the Glen from the drivers perspective and experience the elevation changes.

And there is no cost for these laps. They are arranged with the considerable help of Jim Kellogg, a Superformance owner who has a connection to the track and are offered via Time Machines and Olthoff Racing who have control of the invites for laps. And we are inviting YOU!
Pity. looking for open track laps.

There is an SCDA event at The Glenn early July. Also a ferrari clib event labor day, might be able to bring a few Gt40s.

Kirby Schrader

They're mostly silver
Lifetime Supporter
Based on these facts Dennis Olthoff and myself have revised the plan. The 50th GT40 reunion will be held at Virginia International Raceway September 24-28th in conjunction with SVRA Vintage races.
Please let us know your thoughts

Okee dokee!
Those dates, I should be free...
And it's a little bit closer!
Only 1200 miles and 18 hours of driving....

Count me in.


Ron Earp

I think you fellows will thoroughly enjoy VIR. It is certainly in the top tier of US Road courses, and the facilities are maybe unmatched. Awesome restaurant, good bar, two hotels on site, etc.

There are really no decent towns near VIR. Danville VA is about 10 miles away, Roxboro around 18 miles, and the little town of Milton 1-2 miles away is nothing more than a stop light and a good pizza place. Ideally you'd plan to stay on the VIR campus. If you can't stay there (rooms go quick) then I'd look to Danville, Sleep Inn and others are on the outskirts of town close to the track and the Danville Airport.

I'm planning to come up and visit that weekend if I'm free. I'd love to meet up with some of you.