GT40 50th Reunion- CHANGES!!!!


Dennis recommended the Sleep Inn and is talking with them about a deal. If not we will likely look in Danville for the host hotel.

I have never been to VIR and look forward to seeing it. Hopefully someone will take pity on me and get me a ride along as I won't have a car there and expect to be too busy to use one anyhow!

Working on an evening barbeque and speakers program for one evening at he track pavilion. We are in contact with some GT40 era people who would provide an interesting program. Also working on a Lola MK 6 coupe to attend as the grandfather of the GT40.

Lots in the works.....just getting it all nailed down................
Rick - I'm still going to the Watkins Glen event so count me in there. Should we start a separate thread for those who can't make VIR and wish to attend this venue?
The late planning of the 50th year of the Ford GT program and changing from the Glen to VIR does not look good for a good turnout of original cars and replicas. Specially with the high cost and distance to VIR. From what I read from the comments here other people have their own issues and problems. It would be nice to have a reunion but the reunion has to have a good turnout of original cars like the two previous events (Glen and RA)
I think that the location of Virginia is perfect for the east coast
centrally located a wonderful track / facility
gives a lot of people an easy drive
Bailey Cars will be there!
I kind of had my heart set on The Glenn as it is one of those tracks I want to drive on someday. VIR is actually a better track for the novice guys like me. Lots of run off area in case we do something stupid, which I probably will. The Glenn would be far more unforgiving. So I think VIR is the place to have a good track experience. If my wife winds up going back to work, I might try Road Atlanta. Are any of you SLC guys interested in getting in on this?? Would be fun!

More details to come next week. Sorry for the delay but it has taken much longer than expected to lock everything down.

Watch this space.........


Lifetime Supporter
Is it still VIR? Do you think a more central location like Road America would attract a bigger crowd?

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Making some sense of your authorities would get more takers.

A few of us were going to ship cars over and have a couple of weeks driving in USA and a bit of track time, however we are not able to get past the red tape so our cars are allowed in but we cannot drive them on the street.

Sure we can trailer them everywhere but what fun is that?

If anyone works in the relevant USA departments EPA seems to be the stumbling block in "Kit cars" and proof they are legal to drive. Please let us know as it may still be possible to gat a couple of cars across

Oh and in case anyone is interested I made enquiries about cars coming the other way for LMC 2016 and the 50 th anniversary of the win and it is much more simple, you have to prove it is insured for uk and Europe road use and off you go after some form filling and then reload and prove re export so no duties will be payable.
Is it still VIR? Do you think a more central location like Road America would attract a bigger crowd?


Still VIR. Yes, RA would allow more cars and more central but not possible for this year (the 50th!).

We were late to the party in arranging this so we had to do what we could rather than what we wanted. The Glen was the first choice as it had GT history but they just could not accommodate us with the MG national convention already scheduled.

While this might not be our first choice we are working to provide a first class barrel 'o fun for those who attend.
The driving on road issue? In Ontario Canada there are dealer plates that can be used on any car short term,can you not do that in the states? Does anyone own a car dealership?

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
I actually looked at shipping to Canada and driving across the border, as hundreds do every day.

But kit car and Canada in same breath again ended up causing more problems


Mexico, maybe?

You could just drive across....if anyone asks what you're doing here, just say you'd like a free education, healthcare, and welfare. If you come through California, they'll probably give you a driver's license, too.:)

I know it would be a long drive across the country, but if you agree'd to act as a "mule" for one of the cartels, you'd probably be able to do the whole trip for free.

I'll bite my tongue now...lest I be forced into the "Paddock".

Ron Earp

Still VIR. Yes, RA would allow more cars and more central but not possible for this year (the 50th!).

Actually, VIR and RA are about the same distance from the US Mean Population Center (blue triangle on map). VIR is located about under the V in "VA" at the NC/VA line. RA is located just at the end of that little finger lake directly east of the I in "WI".

Years ago the SCCA moved their headquarters and yearly championship Run Offs to Topeka KS, so they could be "more centrally located". That didn't work out too well for them. Starting in 2014 they're moving the Bore Offs to real tracks each year like Mid-Ohio, Daytona, VIR, etc.


I believe you fellows will like yourself some VIR.


Lifetime Supporter
I will go anywhere there will be a good showing and a well supported event. If it turns into lets do this in my backyard and only local or regional folks are going to attend, that begins to erode the appeal. It's a 30 hour trek for me to VIR with car and trailer. For guys west of the Rockies, that trek becomes even further. The Glen had its appeal because it's the Glen. My thoughts are whether we do it this year or next, the most important thing is a location be selected that will attract a wide range of participants and it not be an afterthought because it was not planned early enough. I doubt too many care if it is year 50 or 51.
What is the latest info on VIR. Not trying to rush things. Just would like to know dates and arrangements so I can plan it out. I had blocked out the week of the Glen so I might have to move it for VIR(unless it is the same time slot).Vacation is hard to get arranged at the last minute for me. Gotta work on getting my wife on board. Do we know who is going to show from the forum?? Maybe a new poll??
