Truck Trailer combo - will it work?

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
...pull the GT in a Serpant Express aluminum trailer. .

Chuck -- I'm getting close to buying one of those; can you advise me on options and configuration? Did you do anything special to accomodate the GT40? Anything you would do differently if you could do it over?


Is that how I ended up with 9 cars, a motorcycle, two planes, and other shit I don't really need?

Well, when are you gonna stop being cheap and buy some motorized toys?!?!?

The local Harley dealer was a longtime customer of our Ford dealership. When he sold the Harley store he came to us and sold cars for a while. My best memory is during a lunch in the meeting room when he told me "you know I NEVER sold a motorcycle to anyone who NEEDED one, but I sold a shithouse full to people who WANTED one!
Well, while you're waiting I'd love a ride in either of your planes. It's funny how easy it is to find people willing to play with your toys....

Like I tell the guy who built my house, "hurry up and finish the resto on your Cub because I'm tired of riding in your LongEzee......"
Well, while you're waiting I'd love a ride in either of your planes. It's funny how easy it is to find people willing to play with your toys....

You are more than welcome to Al. When in So Cal I hangar them at Chino. One is a production plane (Cirrus), and the other is a homebuilt (Rans S16) which is not quite finished yet. Let me know when you are up this way...
Check with a camper dealer for a stackable ramp that will work for a tandem wheel trailer. They stack like "Legos" and fit in a square bag which saves a lot of space.

You clip them together then drive up on top with the good wheel then change the flat tire.

Very practical.
