
David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Barmaid fined for beer can trick
A barmaid who demonstrated her party trick of crushing beer cans between her breasts has been fined more than £400 for breaking Australian licensing laws.

And a colleague who helped Luana De Faveri show off her other talent of hanging spoons from her nipples was fined £200.
Ms De Faveri, 31, pleaded guilty to two breaches of the county's Liquor Control Act, according to the Australian Associated Press.
Police said she twice exposed her breasts to customers in the Premier Hotel in Pinjarra, near Perth.
"She was alleged to have also crushed beer cans between her breasts during one of the offences," police said.
Another bar worker, Tracey Leslie, 43, was fined after pleading guilty to assisting the commission of a breach of the act by helping hang spoons from Ms De Faveri's nipples.
The pub manager, Roy Williams, 43, was fined £400 after pleading guilty to failing to stop the women.
Superintendent David Parkinson of the Peel Police District said: "It sends a clear message to all licensees in Peel that we will not tolerate this type of behaviour in our licensed premises."

Imprison her and then deport her to the UK. Sort of a penal colonies thing in reverse. We need quality people like her topside instead of incessant illegal immigrants. Can we adopt her as a the face (and lungs !) of the website?