"The Party of Freedom and Progress."

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I hear that Pizza guy Cain has withdrawn due to morals issues as well as recent multiple lies to the press.

Do you think that Gingrich should withdraw, due to morals issues, you know cheating on several wives, cheating while condeming Clinton, taking Millions+ from Fannie Mae, and supporting Al Gore?

Do you think Perry should withdraw, as he has proved over and over that he is not up to the job mentally and supported Al Gore?

Do you think that Rommney should withdraw as first he supported Obama care than lied and said he did not?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I'm just enough of a prick to say that Rick Santorum is the candidate.

For once, I do have to agree with you. You are enough of a prick!

As for Santorum:

Gingrich leads the field with 25 percent support, followed by Ron Paul with 18 percent and Mitt Romney with 16 percent.

Santorum trailed at the back of the pack with just 6 percent.

Lets see, 6% of Republicann voters..............equils about 2% of voters.

Yes I think you should put everything into the Santorum campaign, he really has a chance!