New Jaguar Lightweight E types dubbed replicas by Goodwood

Glenn M

Just watched a programme about the 6 new lightweights that Jaguar are making to complete the unfinished original batch of 18. They are truly beautiful exact recreations, built by the original manufacturer in the same factory using the same bucks, tools etc. They cost around £1m and you have to be invited to buy one.
At one point they asked Lord March if the lucky owners would be invited to race at Goodwood. He replied 'No, because we don't allow replicas here.' :stunned:

Luckily for him the interviewer was too polite to point out that is unless, of course, it's made by Gelscoe or Superformance!! :shrug:

Glenn M

Thank you Fran, you are, of course, quite right - one should calm down before posting.

I wasn't in any way having a dig at either of those manufacturers but simply ranting at the colossal double standards of LM in denouncing these beautiful cars in such an offhand manner (and quite possibly affecting their sales in the process, such is Goodwood's clout) and then having a Revival GT40's only race comprised of so many, how shall I put it, 'definitely not built in the 60's "originals".'

As always, just my humble opinion.
Don't worry Glenn ,I know "exactly" what you mean...but surely if they have the correct ID plate it must be an original....whistle

In my opinion, you make some very valid points, would be interesting to know if the rebuilt I think Linder car, (picture below before the rebuild) will be allowed to race as an original car.

Fascinating programme, the "new" cars seemed so accurate, even using original machinery to stamp out panels, how many would be able to tell the difference between them and the original cars.

Seemed a bit of car snobbery coming into play to me, reminded me of Trigger's original old broom.


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The comment made by LM was understandable in as much as it was a public statement made on a tv show. He and his events have an image and a perception to be maintained. For the vast majority of spectators attending the GWR they believe they are experiencing the real deal whereas some of us know different