RF Production Update

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Yeah sorri Pat I shud ov fort ov that makin everbuddy spel properrlee wud tkae the fun out ov everfing. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bandito.gif



Never argue with a fool because those watching might not be able to tell the difference.

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How true is that Ron. I also learned a similar lesson after 42 years in the hospitality business - "never argue with drunks" it does kinda elevate their importance in the scheme of things. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif

RF Folks, in my Southern speak, means people that work for RF.

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Whn Ron said "RF Folk" this is waht I thought he meant.... [image]http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lacemusic.com/store/images/large/RatFink.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.lacemusic.com/store/product.asp%3Fid%3D135%26catid%3D19&h=305&w=231&sz=14&tbnid=NeXvR2ULN3iL0M:&tbnh=112&tbnw=84&hl=en&start=6&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drat%2Bfink%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG[/image] /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana.gif

Rick /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


  • 74806-RatFink.JPG
    15.9 KB · Views: 475
Oliver is choking this entire forum.

We would all like to forget it, but he wont let us.

Ban him.
WOW, within 3 hours of me suggesting he be banned I get an email from him calling me a dipshit. Nothing better to do?
Hey Folks,
I thought I would get this thread back on track. I recieved a email from Carol that we are about 4 weeks away from delivery of my chassis. This is Chassis #120 and is a deluxe Kit. I have seen a picture of my chassis in the background of another pick but still no pictures of my stuff specifically.

Since RF is not updating us regularly it would be good for each of us waiting to update this thread as we hear snippets from our relevent improters or indeed RF. That way at least we can get a consensus update.

Ron, What was your last info on your car?

Thank you for putting this on track.

Who is Carol? When did you get this e-mail? Whom did you ask for to get such good news? Believe me, I have asked Robert via e-mail multiple times in the last few weeks and get no response just that my car is being "skinned". I have no idea what that means.

The last formal information I received from Robert was January 17. It was indicated that my car was to ship out end of Feb. Well, since I am 110, 108 and 109 will ship ahead of me. They have not. I am hoping for good news soon.

This is the latest I know. Hope this snippet help.

We gaining consensus yet?

Hi Ben,
Carol works with Rick at Thruxton Sports Cars. The UK agent for RF. They talk to RF quite regularly although like us sometimes do not get feedback. Skinning probably means cladding the chassis in aluminum.

Who is 109 & 108? Have you received any definitive shipment info? My assumption is that since 109 & 108 are Turn Keys that they took longer than expected and have slowed down the assumed 4 cars per month.

According to the last list from RF then 120 & 137 should be next which fits in with Carols 4 week info.

Beyond that the importers should pitch in with more detailed info.

Anyone else want to add more conjecture to the discussions?
hi all - the jpegs are all called rogerschassis. you need to find out who roger is. ask carol? i would guess the hold up is that the turnkeys are taking much longer than expected (can a new factory with new staff make two cars a month?) on the other hand, the first time to make a car must be the longest. i did post sometime ago wondering if things would improve with subsequent cars made but robert replied that they are all made in the same way. as far as i can tell two kits have been made and two turnkeys are being made. once these are completed then the factory will know build times and should be able to give a realistic delivery time. i suspect that Robert has given up on this forum after all the trouble which is a shame. its daft all this guessing. perhaps Rick can persuade Robert to post again because you can't beat hearing it from the actual person. my turnkey 132 should be on its way now but i am not expecting it until summer. i hope i am wrong because i would hate for it to be completed and on the road just in time for the salt gritters to come out! if Robert doesn't want to post it would be nice if he emailed us all with details of our individual cars - that would be quite easy to do.
Hi Ben,
Carol works with Rick at Thruxton Sports Cars. The UK agent for RF. They talk to RF quite regularly although like us sometimes do not get feedback. Skinning probably means cladding the chassis in aluminum.

Who is 109 & 108? Have you received any definitive shipment info? My assumption is that since 109 & 108 are Turn Keys that they took longer than expected and have slowed down the assumed 4 cars per month.

According to the last list from RF then 120 & 137 should be next which fits in with Carols 4 week info.

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How is it 120 & 137 are shipping way ahead of 108 and others? I've been waiting for my friends (Ron) GT40 to arrive to look at. His is either 115 or 121. I can't remember his number but he doesn't expect it until summer or later. He is also a pesimist (sorry Ron!) or a realist but I am not sure which. Do these not go in any order?

Ron Earp

Mike, I'm #121 if memory serves and I'm not sure on precise delivery times. However, being a pessimist has some advantages - you always expect the worst and if that happens you are prepared. If it turns out better than expected then you are pleasantly suprised, so you can't lose!

I'm not sure how the chassis numbers play into delivery or in what order they go - but I think it is tied up in some folks canceling, etc, and another person taking his/her place. But, that doesn't mean that new person now gets a car at the time of the old person, the new person is at the end of the line but might have an early chassis number.

If you want times and info I'd call Robert, Jerry, or Hershal directly. And as soon as mine gets here I'll call you so you can come down and help me work on it!!!


"I suspect that Robert has given up on this forum after all the trouble which is a shame."

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A real shame indeed and we all can’t understand why??
I have sat back in amazement for quite some time and tried to figure out what the purpose of this thread and others like it might be but unfortunately there does not seem to be any constructive result anywhere to be seen. All I have seen is an extremely irritating individual who has had his agenda’s promoted and fuelled by forum members who hid behind Oliver’s skirt, loaded the bullets and then probably had the hide to rubbish him after he has shot them. At least Oliver did not stand behind anyone else and however misdirected and unreasonable I may think that he is, at least he said what he thought for himself and copped the appropriate responses.
What I have seen is an unfortunate degradation of the forum with some of the most enthusiastic supporters disappearing from sight. Is it just a coincidence that Hershel has not been seen for awhile?? I hate assumptions, someone please let me know if he is still on holidays. (I hope so). And now that we have had a minute or two to think about it has anyone worked out why Robert doesn’t bother with this thread. Not to mention the others who probably don’t even bother any more.
The way I see it, if you want to know how you car is going, talk to your dealer directly. Most of us are not interested in the RF delivery schedule. Do you see any for CAV, ERA or others?? If you do not get a response then maybe you need to ask yourself why. If there is a ‘real’ problem that the forum should know about than there is an area called consumer watch. Otherwise what I really like to see is the photo’s of the respective cars in the builders forum when they arrive and through there build or if you are lucky enough to have photo’s of your car at the factory, start your build thread now. I am also sure that any build questions will be welcomed and answered in the RF area if and when Robert and Hershel get back on board and certainly by other experienced RF owners.
I am an RF customer, I have had large amounts of money (For me)in the hands of people that I really did not know from a bar of soap, I have had some expectations go by the wayside but thankfully I also run a business and I know how hard it is to please everyone especially when things don’t happen as planned. But more importantly I am reasonable and now as I have progressed through my build our relationship and the support from RF has been second to none. They have certainly repaid for any inconveniences that now seem a distant memory and I am sure that they will continue to provide the support long after my build is finished.
My suggestion to all of the RF owners or future owners is to end this thread, don’t ever start another one like it again, ignore the shit stirrers, and make it a priority to build a relationship with your RF contact or dealer because in time you may just need a little bit of help from them. In the case of the US customers I hope that my assumption about Hershel is wrong but if not it may be a case just deserves for a small few and an injustice for the rest.
I would finally like to clarify that I am in no way connected to RF other that being an owner and I will not be dragged into justifying my opinion or pointing fingers at individuals other than obvious as mentioned above. This is my view from the sideline so you can take it or leave it. If this has offended anyone than maybe they have a conscience.
Looking forward to getting back to the forum experience that we all enjoyed in the past.

Charlie M

FWIW, my car is chassis #135 (deluxe kit) and in mid-January I was told it's shipping March 30 give or take a week.

Just had a message from Carol - am getting an updated delivery date in the next few days. Getting a turnkey in gulf colours with motec fuel injection. Live in a lovely area inbetween yorkshire dales and the lake district. My neighbour has an immaculate gtd in gulf colours which is his pride and joy - he will be sick when mine is better. So these fantastic roads where i live will have two gulf gt40's racing through them this summer. Will that be a truly wonderful sight or what? And this may explain why accuarate delivery dates are important - when there is so much to gain, waiting is so difficult...


I agree, it's poignant reading and a difficult time. All those folks just waiting, trying to be patient and all the time privately worrying.

Oh well, onwards and upwards eh? But Nathan, there will be those on here who will definitely not thank you for bringing this back to the front. Not a good start mate.....