Sorry for those living in the Midwest (US) me!

Dave Lindemann

Lifetime Supporter
WOW! Are we getting snow or what! We got hammered with snow today and it looks like we'll be getting some cold temps and frigid wind chills over the next few days. I spent hours clearing snow this afternoon and it looks like I'll have more to clear by tomorrow morning. Gotta love the Midwest!!! If I hadn't grown up here I'd have been gone years ago! For those of you in my "neck of the woods" - Be Safe!

Unfortunately, all of this weather distraction has taken me away from my car projects. The SLC is "on hold" but the Lotus Twin Cam Special is moving forward. If the weather would cooperate the body would be at Carriage House Customs by now :-(

Dave L
Hey Dave you were not kidding when you said you were headed out to deal with the snow fall. Gads ... I see this morning the Metrodome roof was damaged. Guess it will be a banner year for the winter Ice Festival, eh? Maybe you should go since you have not been for a while - at least get some enjoyment from all this fine weather :)
I hear you, I am stuck in Chicago O'Hare trying to get to Miami to catch an international connection... not looking good.

We didn't get hit near as hard as you did in Minneapolis but it is still close to white out with the wind blowing.. continuing to snow.

Good luck up north!
I'm old enough to remember the weather 30 years ago in my neck of the woods, and it's dramatically different now. Climate change is happening, like it or not. Sure as shite looks to me like man may be causing it the way we're treating the environment like a toilet bowl.

In the end, who cares about blaming...I don't. It's going to be a huge problem no matter what's causing it.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I'm old enough to remember the weather 30 years ago in my neck of the woods, and it's dramatically different now. Climate change is happening, like it or not. Sure as shite looks to me like man may be causing it the way we're treating the environment like a toilet bowl.

In the end, who cares about blaming...I don't. It's going to be a huge problem no matter what's causing it.

30 years ago when I first moved to Brisbane we only had two seasons wet and dry. Then we had a very very long drought. Now it seems we are back to a normal cycle with this summer having record rainfall.
Cliff the climate changes all the time, in fact daily. But if you think you are doing the planet good by paying a carbon tax that's fine. Me I'm sick of paying yet another tax that history tells me will be wasted.

Al, they are calling it "Climate change" now because the "Global warming" so called science did not stack up.

Dave Lindemann

Lifetime Supporter
Hmm, not how I expected this thread to go. Guys, I live in Minnesota and for those who are not familiar, it gets friggin cold and tends to snow alot here in the winter. I wouldn't read too much into our current weather conditions. They're actually not that far from what is expected - we just had a larger than anticipated snow dump - that's all.

Rob - I may just make it to the ice festival this year, I haven't been there since I was a kid. There's nothing quite like an ice castle - and the sculptures are amazing!

fsts2k - I wish you well with your travels. Hopefully, things have cleared up a bit and you made your connection.

Wind chills predicted at -30F for tonight.....stay warm! We have the wood stove cranked and the main floor is a comfy 86F :)

Dave L
Its just made the BBC news over here. Looks like you guys got a good old battering. We grind to a halt with anything over about 2 inches. So our entire society would probably collapse if we had that much snow.
fsts2k - I wish you well with your travels. Hopefully, things have cleared up a bit and you made your connection.

I missed it.... by 3 minutes. I was sprinting through the airport towing my rollerboard with me only to see them shut the door. One would think with 120 flights with this airline this year they would accommodate me, apparently not. Bad news was I missed the flight, good news was I caught the next one 60 minutes later.

Now in Brazil now where the weather is much nicer, I highly recommend it. Nothing like an 80 degree swing in 12 hours.

I hear they claim the snow storm was the 5th largest in MN history... glad I got out of there Friday afternoon when I did.
On Saturday Dec 11th I spent the day hiking in the San Bernardino mountains near Los Angeles at the 8,000 foot level. Only a little bit of snow in the mountains. It was amazingly clear with great scenery. On Sunday the 12th I decided to get a bit of exercise and ran at the beach. It was also amazing clear with great scenery.


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I tought few years ago global warming was a true story (at least partly), now I`m not so sure.
Last 10 years or so there was first snow in end of November, then it melt before x-mast and came back around end of January. Many years without under -10 celsius, typically zero +-2 deg.
Now it`s second-third very cold winter, 20-100 cm (8-40") snow banks, temp been under -25... Like in my childhood in same area.
Still, like it more than +1 and wet snow rain with cold wind.
Now I can accelerate global warming - driving in ice tracks with my rally car :)
On Saturday Dec 11th I spent the day hiking in the San Bernardino mountains near Los Angeles at the 8,000 foot level. Only a little bit of snow in the mountains. It was amazingly clear with great scenery. On Sunday the 12th I decided to get a bit of exercise and ran at the beach. It was also amazing clear with great scenery.

Is that sea salt or mortons, for the rubbing of wounds?
I hope he takes a few pic's of the helicopters and water bomber flying the hills around L.A. during the dry season with all the bush fires. Should be starting in the next few weeks. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink

Dave Lindemann

Lifetime Supporter
Right now in the NW it's so warm you can easily where short sleeves.

Ha - you can't fool me - I lived in the Seattle area for almost 13 years. I remember the rain and clouds :) and who says I' not wearing short sleeves (under my down parka)!

Dave Lindemann

Lifetime Supporter
On Saturday Dec 11th I spent the day hiking in the San Bernardino mountains near Los Angeles at the 8,000 foot level. Only a little bit of snow in the mountains. It was amazingly clear with great scenery. On Sunday the 12th I decided to get a bit of exercise and ran at the beach. It was also amazing clear with great scenery.

Sure Gary, rub it in - looks nice (the mountains and the "scenery")! Today I had to use my snowblower to make a path to the propane tank so it could be re-filled. The snow was a foot and a half deep!

Dave Lindemann

Lifetime Supporter
I missed it.... by 3 minutes. I was sprinting through the airport towing my rollerboard with me only to see them shut the door. One would think with 120 flights with this airline this year they would accommodate me, apparently not. Bad news was I missed the flight, good news was I caught the next one 60 minutes later.

Now in Brazil now where the weather is much nicer, I highly recommend it. Nothing like an 80 degree swing in 12 hours.

I hear they claim the snow storm was the 5th largest in MN history... glad I got out of there Friday afternoon when I did.

Don't you hate that! How much could it cost them to let one more PAID passenger on the plane. Glad you made it to your destination.....Brazil in December - sounds nice to me!

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
20" according to the local authorities here in South Minneapolis..

I ran out of places to put the snow.. Glad I finally dug out my little Toro 2 stroke 3HP snowblower and got him running... Yea Toro! (I call him Mr. T)..

Out my back door... Uhg.... Note the drifting coming off the roof of my little shop!

Good place to have your Avalanche stored... NOT! I regret putting the truck away drive my car through this crap...

My motorcycle... The Victory.. I should be SHOT! But there's no more room under a roof for anything since I've had to move the entire contents of my basement out into my trailer and shop in order to enable a mandatory tear out and remodel of the entire basement (more later when my stomach stops churning) :uneasy:

Running out of room to put all this crap

Cars dug out (well sort of) for the second time in one day... ((Bleech!))

Neighbor girl's dirt driveway... Sorry - but we're out of room to put this stuff. In my book Pavement Wins and Dirt/grass loose...
I did dig all the way up from the alley to her garage door so she could get her car in and out..

Total time of shoveling by hand - 4 hours
Total time of Snowblowing with a Mr. T - 4 hours
Stick a fork in me - I am done........

BTW - the front of the house actually faired pretty well with only about 12" of accumulation as the wind was blowing directly from the right (north) to the left (south)... The back yard and alley however, were drifting 4+ feet high in places..

Oh and you know how well they build stadiums up here... :rolleyes:
Us Taxpayers get to pay for that all over again.... :furious:

Ah the price we pay to live in a beautiful place 6 months out of the year...
Here in Central-East Florida water freezes at 32*F like everywhere else. The problem is the people who freeze at 70*F! Presently only 47*F, but expecting a hard freeze tonight (again) at 25*F.