

As an engineer I'm always looking at the math in data and statistics. I find "Global Warming" and "Carbon Footprint" great fun!

I doubt that the "28.5% registered voters are Republicans" applies to Sacramento. If the poll was done in Sac I doubt that 20% of those polled even were Republicans.


Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

The data from both the Bee and the Mercury News are both state wide polls.

Tom what do you think of the way Mr Whittle made his case against California?
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To paraphrase the great President Ronald Reagan, "I didn't leave California, it left me."


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news today. More people move to Texas than any other sate. By far the most people moving to Texas come from Cali, 1/4 of all new residents. I am guessing they are not moving for the scenerary or the weather.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
news today. More people move to Texas than any other sate. By far the most people moving to Texas come from Cali, 1/4 of all new residents. I am guessing they are not moving for the scenerary or the weather.

Lets face it you have to want to live in California, its expensive, very expensive, not everyone can make it here, I'm glad there is a nice place to go thats alot cheaper.

You guys start this stuff, I see post after post trying to show how great Texas is how everyone is leaving California.......bla bla bla!

You imply that its due to "Liberal Govenment" that this is happening. You imply that Texas Govenment is better.....bla, bla, bla!

Texas Governer Perry approval rating.................................41%
California Governer Brown approval rating..........................58%


I sense an inferiority complex here and rightly so!

Lets get a few thing straight:

You say Texas has been growing like crazy and everyone is leaving California...............Really, is that true?

You show that Toyota is taking 3,000 jobs to Texas and to you this is a big deal?

*****Texas is paying people huge dollars to move business to Texas, you think that is the same as being better?*****


Like Texas, California's population has been growing year in and year out!

Although Texas is 59% larger than California, as of 2013 there are 11,874,328 more people in California than in Texas!

A much smaller state with almost 12 Million more people!!!!!

Thats 11,874,328 more people willing to work harder, work longer and pay the extra for the privilage of living in California!

And Texas has to pay people to move there?

3,000 Toyota workers? Give me a break, thats just thining of the heard:)


Californians have a higher income.
We have more education.
We have California
We have a lower divorce rate.
Did I mention we have California?

When Texas picks up another 11,000,000 people then you can talk.

By the way, here are some more numbers for you
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Lets face it you have to want to live in California, its expensive, very expensive, not everyone can make it here, I'm glad there is a nice place to go thats alot cheaper.

You guys start this stuff, I see post after post trying to show how great Texas is how everyone is leaving California.......bla bla bla!

You imply that its due to "Liberal Govenment" that this is happening. You imply that Texas Govenment is better.....bla, bla, bla!

Texas Governer Perry approval rating.................................41%
California Governer Brown approval rating..........................58%


I sense an inferiority complex here and rightly so!

Lets get a few thing straight:

You say Texas has been growing like crazy and everyone is leaving California...............Really, is that true?

You show that Toyota is taking 3,000 jobs to Texas and to you this is a big deal?

*****Texas is paying people huge dollars to move business to Texas, you think that is the same as being better?*****


Like Texas, California's population has been growing year in and year out!

Although Texas is 59% larger than California, as of 2013 there are 11,874,328 more people in California than in Texas!

A much smaller state with almost 12 Million more people!!!!!

Thats 11,874,328 more people willing to work harder, work longer and pay the extra for the privilage of living in California!

And Texas has to pay people to move there?

3,000 Toyota workers? Give me a break, thats just thining of the heard:)


Californians have a higher income.
We have more education.
We have California
We have a lower divorce rate.
Did I mention we have California?

When Texas picks up another 11,000,000 people then you can talk.

By the way, here are some more numbers for you

Yeah there are more people in cali, but the growth is pretty flat and has been for a while. In fact was it not afew years ago that cali for the first time since ww2 had more native borns than new resdients because people had stopped moving there. And the reason people dont move there is no opportunity. Oregon, Nevada and now texas are awash with Ex Cali residents, wonder why.

Yes your Gov may be popular, because its easy to be popular or a populist amongst people who no longer have good opportunities by promising to punish/tax the well off and redistribute free stuff. That type of policy can be real popular, it certainly was in Detroit, eventualy though you ruin out of rich people and the income genrating industries you discover have left or made their growth investments elsewhere..

Look at all the advantages cali started with, the great weather and topografy for one, who wouldnt want to live there. It also had lots of growth and job growth throught he 70's, including manufacturing. Now there is not really growth or job growth, unless you count statal jobs, or the few people, relatively employed in tech.

Toyota took 3k jobs from california, good jobs. More to the point a company that had been there since 1956 upped stakes for a reason, and in the end that reason was the buisness climate. Toyota is not the only company, if 10 campanies moved(and its more than that) then pretty soon you are talking 50k or 100k jobs. Even when companies dont move, they make their growth investments elsewhere denying new opprotunities.

Look at Boeing thay had an experienced workforce at long Beach, the 787 plant was built in SC, on its face thta doesn not make sense, untill you take the buisness/regulatory climate into account. BTW Boeing still pays taxes in Sc and is subject to regulation, its just that its within some type of proportion.

Texas paid 10K per Job, its going to cost Toyota more than 10k to move the people and thta was a one time payment by texas.

The policies of california have ruined the place for any type of samall or medium buisness not directly tied to being there, and now large Legacy companies are upping stakes. The Tech indsutry which manufactures very little in the USA cannot replace what is being lost. Even tech is feeling the heat, with the outcry in SF over the google busses. Even the Green hero Elon Musk is building plant and expansion elsehwere.

Once again, physicaly california is the most desireable place to live in the USA, but the leftist elite and ther mass folowing is kiiling the place in every other way.

Cali may be bigger than Texas, but that is for historic reasons and geografy, its not growing and Texas is. Texas is not growing because people like the ladscape or weather.

Texas would do well not to import too many people from california, lest their voting habbits ruin that place too.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Once again, physicaly california is the most desireable place to live in the USA, but the leftist elite and ther mass folowing is kiiling the place in every other way./QUOTE]

Yes thats right, you have got it!

Except for little things like income, education, divorce rate, property values, teen preganancy, health care.....

Yea except for those type of things the "leftist elite and ther mass folowing is kiiling the place in every other way"................yea, right!

We have LARGE companies like Facebook, Google, Apple with huge, well paid, highly educated work force paying to be here...........

Hell even Tesela is only a few miles from here in an abandoned Toyota plant........splain that Lucy?


Texas has to pay for people to move 1900's manufacturing jobs there.......


You do know that paying people to move is not the same as being better....right?
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Yes, I know that Tesela received some loans and tax benifits for occupying the abandoned Toyota plant, but they also received better offers to move to Texas, Alabama........

But there they are, not only in California but in the middle of the Silicon Valley. Now it never made sense to me, building cars in Silicon Valley, but it must have made sense to them, because they are here and doing rather well.
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