Israel and Gaza?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Well, according to my information:

Pelosi has been credited for spearheading President Obama's health care law when it seemed that it would go down in defeat. After Republican Scott Brown won Democratic Ted Kennedy's former senate seat in the January 2010 Massachusetts special election and thereby causing the Senate Democrats to lose their filibuster proof majority, Obama agreed with then chief of staff Rahm Emanuel's idea that he should do smaller initiatives that could pass easily. Pelosi, however, dismissed the president's fear and instead mocked his scaled-back ideas as "kiddie care." After convincing the president that this would be their only shot at health care because of the large Democratic majorities they currently had, she rallied her Democratic caucus as she began an "unbelievable marathon" of a two month session to craft the health care bill, which successfully passed the House. In Obama's remarks before signing the bill into law, he specifically credited Pelosi as being "one of the best Speakers the House of Representatives has ever had."

Google Chief Justice Roberts' Obamacare decision. He IS the reason we're stuck with that albatross.

In Obama's remarks before signing the bill into law, he specifically credited Pelosi as being "one of the best Speakers the House of Representatives has ever had."

Bear in mind he also said, "You can keep your doctor." I would submit both statements are equally true.

Jim Rosenthal

I hate Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin in equal amounts. However, at least Sarah Palin has a nice ass. Plus she is more entertaining. Pelosi is just creepy. She looks like she died a while back and no one has the nerve to tell her about it.
THAT's all you could hang your hat on????????!

EVEN THE ARTICLE'S AUTHOR said that was a "slip of the tongue." I've made the same one a time or two my own darned self. (Of course, you probably never have, right? Right.)

OTOH the Pelosi quotes I listed above clearly were NOT simply slips of the tongue. Not by a darned sight.

Do you really need my help to find more?

I like Pelosi, she's funny, and free!


Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Sticking to the original subject matter, I like things defined to me in the fewest words possible.

This works for me.

The Most Important Video About Israel Ever Made | Israel Video Network

Plus some more I have seen recently. I'll find and post them. Prager seems to have watched this happening as long as I have.

Keep it simple.

Or rather, keep it simple minded. Good grief. The "Israeli News Network" is teh source of an unbiased view on the situation in Gaza and Palestine?

Here's a "simple" view from the other side: dead Palestinian women and children, lots of them, simply because they were in the way.

I'm moderately Pro-Israeli. Stable democracy and all that. But to say this is a "simple" situation is just, well, dumb.


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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Here's a "simple" view from the other side: dead Palestinian women and children, lots of them, simply because they were in the way.

...and who makes darned sure they ARE "in the way", Jeff?

Answer: Hamas.

They hide themselves and their munitions amongst the civilian schools, mosques, and hospitals. They launch their rockets from civilian neighborhoods...1st from in front of one house, then moving a couple houses down the street to launch others, then moving down the street a bit more to fire the next, and so on. That ensures there'll be civilian casualties when Isreal shoots back - and that's exactly what they want. Why? So when the clueless media reports civilian deaths, ISRAEL is made to look like the 'heavy'. DARNED SELDOM does the media report the fact that Israel drops leaflets, sends texts, and makes phone calls ahead of their raids warning people to get the heck outta Dodge.

So, whose fault is it really that innocents are killed? What more can Israel DO...other than just sit there, do nothing, and let the rockets fall?

'Reality' really is pretty simple, Jeff. One side really does want the other DEAD. The other side simply wants to live in peace.

Guess which is which...