
If there were 1000 gun deaths and 50 were perpetrated by mentally ill who slaughtered 5 to 30 at a time they would still want to take guns away. What do you control for Boston Marathon kooks?


Lifetime Supporter
Since we are on homicides on guns, Keith, how many are in England where guns are prohibited. Australia, you too. Decidedly lower and probably in all cases illegally acquired weapons. But you are smaller countries than the US and with all the laws in place, we who legally own guns are typically more prudent in gun ownership. Yes accidents happen, the gun is a risky piece of equipment to own. It requires respect and safe handling. Just to purchase a gun the forms require acknowledgement of handling, use and the buyers ability to own a firearm.
This does not mean that you cannot expect there are idiots that own guns that have lied to aquire or parents that don't have a clue give a gun to a child that has no business getting one.

BTW in Texas, starting in 2016, Open Carry has been passed by the state and even though requires a conceal handgun permit, not an easy to get permit which requires significant instruction, will allow legal carry on the belt or shoulder in approved facilities. Gun free zones are still enforced.

So to reiterate gun ownership is not just a right you still must prove competency to own in the USA.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
So to reiterate gun ownership is not just a right you still must prove competency to own in the USA.

...and yet the 2nd Amend doesn't require any of that does it.

As I've mentioned a number of times, had The Founding Fathers i-n-d-e-n-d-e-d various 'conditions' be attached to our >RIGHT< (not 'privilege') to keep and bear, THEY'D HAVE SPELLED 'EM OUT. But, they didn't, did they. Instead, they flat-out stated our right to keep and bear "SHALL NOT be infringed" - period...not 'might not', or 'seldom can', or 'unless X,Y, and Z apply'. Therefore any law that infringes in any way is clearly unconstitutional.

Now, since one doesn't NEED govt's permission to exercise a "RIGHT" - that's a FACT, not a theory - nor does one need to pay govt a FEE to exercise any "RIGHT", it follows that any 'law' requiring same is DOA before the ink dries. E.g.: Concealed weapons PERMIT = completely unconstitutional (because one pays a fee to get 'govt's permission'!). The same is true re: laws telling us when and where we can and cannot 'carry' WHAT, or how many firearms one can own, or what TYPE (TYPES) of firearm, or how many rounds any particular weapon can hold, or what type of ammo one may use...etc., etc. And I don't CARE if some yo-yo in a black robe finds a way to "i-n-t-e-r-p-r-e-t" the 2nd Amend in a way that supposedly makes this-or-that infringing gun law 'constitutional' when it clearly is NOT. The Founders were completely UNAMBIGUOUS as to their INTENT on the subject. "Shall NOT be infringed" is as 'ironclad' as one can get.

I'm not going to sit here for the next however-many-hours/days debating the subject. We've gone thru it all B4. So, y'all might just as well save your keyboards the wear and tear. 'Waste of time...
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Larry L [COLOR=Red said:
I'm not going to sit here for the next however-many-hours/days debating the subject. We've gone thru it all B4. So, y'all might just as well save your keyboards the wear and tear. 'Waste of time..[/COLOR].


It does prove the book needs a rewrite though Larry cos it aint workin..


Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Keith has stated that bringing car deaths into the gun debate is a diversionary tactic, and that may well be so. But logic tells me that if those wishing to ban guns applied the same criteria to cars they would want cars banned as well. And yet they don't. Why is it so?

If the only reason to ban guns was to save lives, cars would be banned well before guns.
Maybe the Founding Fathers knew something, one reason they put the right to bear arms into the constitution was to ensure the common people were armed and no Government or foreign power could gain total control.
Conversely the first thing a Government must do to totally control the little people is to disarm them.

Brian Stewart
I do not believe the cars vs guns argument is valid because cars are, rightly or wrongly, perceived as necessary for everyday life. i.e. we need them to go to work, to go to the supermarket, etc. etc. Guns however, are not necessary for everyday life, as evidenced by the fact that life goes on just fine without them in countries where there is strict gun control.
Sure it's working. 320,000,000 guns, 6,000 murders per year, that's .0001875 per gun. If it were concern for life, and not "control"............................ They sure don't seem concerned about Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Los Angeles, or Oakland where the majority of the 6,000 murders are committed. But then it's black on black or Hispanic and you can't scream "racism". Funny how death is political.
Sure it's working. 320,000,000 guns, 6,000 murders per year, that's .0001875 per gun. If it were concern for life, and not "control"............................ They sure don't seem concerned about Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Los Angeles, or Oakland where the majority of the 6,000 murders are committed. But then it's black on black or Hispanic and you can't scream "racism". Funny how death is political.

Cant go with this one Al , no one gives a toss about the junkies and gang warfare murders, its a form of culling. I only feel for the law enforcement officers that are trying to keep a lid on it for the sake of the innocent public. The frightening thing is the stats are all guesstimates, no one knows how many guns there are or who has them. There are app 120 million households in the states with estimates of 38/40% owning guns. Thats a shit load of guns unaccounted for so best bump the decimal point over an guesstimated amount. As for the "cars" they are hardly a weapon used for murder, they may be driven by incompetent people that cause death but there is not the same intent as the man that pulls a trigger.


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I do not believe the cars vs guns argument is valid because cars are, rightly or wrongly, perceived as necessary for everyday life.

...not to mention the fact that such a comparison clearly illustrates all the hysteria over the number of accidental gun deaths is 'misplaced' to say the least. goes on just fine without (guns) in countries where there is strict gun control.

...until some criminal or LOON chooses to break those laws and turn 'X' number of unarmed citizens of those countries into defenseless fish-in-a-barrel targets courtesy of those very laws.
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Cant go with this one Al , no one gives a toss about the junkies and gang warfare murders, its a form of culling. I only feel for the law enforcement officers that are trying to keep a lid on it for the sake of the innocent public. The frightening thing is the stats are all guesstimates, no one knows how many guns there are or who has them. There are app 120 million households in the states with estimates of 38/40% owning guns. Thats a shit load of guns unaccounted for so best bump the decimal point over an guesstimated amount. As for the "cars" they are hardly a weapon used for murder, they may be driven by incompetent people that cause death but there is not the same intent as the man that pulls a trigger.


Well, if you take away "no one gives a toss about the junkies and gang warfare murders, its a form of culling." you have less than 1,500 gun related murders each year.
This just happened and you didn't even hear about it because it doesn't have the correct "racial political" content. Granted only four people not nine. If it doesn't get votes, it's not worth mentioning. Sharpton and Jackson must be beside themselves, can't cause a riot in Charleston.
Savopoulos family killers ordered Domino's pizza during torture in DC home | Daily Mail Online


As for the "cars" they are hardly a weapon used for murder, they may be driven by incompetent people that cause death but there is not the same intent as the man that pulls a trigger.

Well then there's this:

Graz in shock after deadly street rampage - The Local

The other reality is the "gun deaths" include a significant percentage of suicides. Since the CDC began publishing data in 1981, gun suicides have outnumbered gun homicides. But as gun homicides have declined sharply in recent years, suicides have become a greater share of all firearm deaths: the 61% share in 2010 was the highest on record.

A growing trend of "Suicide by automobile" is very real but auto death statistics bear little mention of those attributed to vehicle car accidents, especially single-vehicle car believed result from suicidal intent.
Unfortunately, I suspect the 10% he talks about in the middle of this will not get to that part, which is a shame because he seems to have a response to most of the diversionary arguments they put forward.

Incidentally, just because I agree with the 50% he talks about doesn’t mean I agree with him on other subjects.

P.S. If you guys actually get to the end I also have no objections to you owning a musket for the reasons he quite clearly states ;-)

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
His gun ownership/slave ownership comparison is, shall we say, a real strrreeeeeeeeetch, are a number of his positions/viewpoints.

Incidentally, his comment regarding the govt having drones and that gun owners would be bringing guns to a "drone fight" (if the need should arise to defend against a tyrannical govt) fails to recognize the fact that the number of GUNS in this country, as well as the number of people who know how to use 'em, faaaaaaaar exceed the number of govt drones. His position also assumes that U.S. armed forces personnel would actually fire on their fellow citizens if ordered to do so by a tyrant. Me thinks the vast majority of 'em wouldn't.

Buuuuuut, that's just my personal 'take' on the whole deal...
Hassumes that U.S. armed forces personnel would actually fire on their fellow citizens if ordered to do so by a tyrant. Me thinks the vast majority of 'em wouldn't.

Buuuuuut, that's just my personal 'take' on the whole deal...

So you think you still need a gun to defend yourself from U.S. armed forces personnel the vast majority of which you think would not actually fire on their fellow citizens if ordered to do so by a tyrant.

His gun ownership/slave ownership comparison is, shall we say, a real strrreeeeeeeeetch, are a number of his positions/viewpoints.

fails to recognize the fact that the number of GUNS in this country, as well as the number of people who know how to use 'em, faaaaaaaar exceed the number of govt drones.

"A real strrreeeeeeeeetch, innit" sic to believe your many guns and defense rifles can take on these, no matter how much their owners know how to use them, but hay ho :)


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Well, if you take away "no one gives a toss about the junkies and gang warfare murders, its a form of culling." you have less than 1,500 gun related murders each year.
This just happened and you didn't even hear about it because it doesn't have the correct "racial political" content. Granted only four people not nine. If it doesn't get votes, it's not worth mentioning. Sharpton and Jackson must be beside themselves, can't cause a riot in Charleston.
Savopoulos family killers ordered Domino's pizza during torture in DC home | Daily Mail Online

Lets go again then and take away the deaths by suicide and we are really down to the nutters. Mericun figures from stats perleeze :) Looks like Al`s decimal point is moving again.


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
So you think you still need a gun to defend yourself from U.S. armed forces personnel the vast majority of which you think would not actually fire on their fellow citizens if ordered to do so by a tyrant.

"A real strrreeeeeeeeetch, innit" sic to believe your many guns and defense rifles can take on these, no matter how much their owners know how to use them, but hay ho :)

'Way to twist and spinnnnn both what I said and what I was getting at, Nick.