There is a scene where the Ford mechanics are changing the complete RF suspension and brakes during the race on a GT40. The shot shows the bare RCR style plate aluminum upright awaiting removal and I thought I actually saw RCR machined into the upright. I might have made that up, being so familiar with the look of the upright that I mentally imposed the logo in that brief scene!

Did anyone else see that?

Mike Pass

In the close up rear view of the pale blue car there is a nice shot of the back of a ZFQ gearbox - lots of those around in '66!

Mike Pass

Went to see the film on Tuesday at the IMAX cinema. Love the 10 channel dolby sound and the giant screen. Nearly as amazing as the fact that the total audience numbered 6 people and 2 of those were with me.


Mortified GT
Yes, saw that too:) ZFQ stands out well in that shot, same as the 17in Daytona Coupe rims... good fun though. I had a private IMAX viewing, having the theatre all to myself!
Didnt RCR msnufacture 28 cars for the film? Thats quite astonishing in my book!

Howard Jones

I would love to see some building in progress and Frans experience at RCR along with pics and such from RCR. I think that would be pretty interesting. If of course it would not violate his contact with the producers.
Seems Superformance is taking all the thunder for building the cars for Ford vs Ferrari,If it was not for Fran @ RCR your viewing of a GT 40 in the movie from superformance would be under 3 minutes , The P-3's were all RCR's.
This is a photo fresh from Fran to our shop,Just a partial purchase to my Company for the Movie


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Howard Jones

Billy, I think I recognize some of those cars from the move. The Corvettes, 356 Porsches, and even a couple of P3 way in the background, for example. Are those the cars built for the movie and were all the cars "movie prepared" at that shop? Very interesting!
Billy, I think I recognize some of those cars from the move. The Corvettes, 356 Porsches, and even a couple of P3 way in the background, for example. Are those the cars built for the movie and were all the cars "movie prepared" at that shop? Very interesting!
Hi Howard,
Yes,I supplied over 100 cars for the Movie,Fran built the GT 40's, P-3's The corvettes I purchased directly from random ads,The Porsche 904's were purchased from Chuck Beck,and 20 1962/63 ford falcons to recreate the assembly line seen I purchased random adds also.The speedsters were JPS.
Went to see the film on Tuesday at the IMAX cinema. Love the 10 channel dolby sound and the giant screen. Nearly as amazing as the fact that the total audience numbered 6 people and 2 of those were with me.
Beat you Mike there were 9 there when we went!

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
There was only about twelve in our IMAX theatre on the first release night.
Flop ??

Popular in Edinburgh could not get seats on Friday and third choice cinema yesterday.
perhaps it is just colder here and people want out the weather?

Cinema was full here in Ottawa. Was surprised at the variety in the audience - young, old, male, female. I was expecting to see a few old geezers like me but was pleasantly surprised by the turnout.
I’m pretty sure it’s the cost of IMAX that makes for empty theatres, between £18.00 and £24.00 around here, stupidly expensive and hardly surprising there are so many empty seats...
I’d imagine non IMAX showings draw a bigger crowd?

Glenn M

I’m pretty sure it’s the cost of IMAX that makes for empty theatres, between £18.00 and £24.00 around here, stupidly expensive and hardly surprising there are so many empty seats...

That's exactly why I like the IMAX. I don't go to the cinema that often because I detest sitting with a load of idiots who are talking, opening noisy food and playing with their phones instead of watching the film. Thankfully the IMAX seems to deter them.
And I thoroughly enjoyed the film. As someone has already said, "it's a movie not a documentary" and if you watch it as such, then it is great entertainment. And even better, great entertainment with GT40's in it - perfect!