A very powerful piece of writing by Bryan Forbes

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Who would take Brown's place? Some extraordinary person of the same ilk, one presumes?

From the Times...

Labour MPs were tonight circulating a letter calling for Gordon Brown’s resignation after Hazel Blears dealt the Prime Minister a potentially fatal blow by resigning from the Cabinet.
The resignation of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government – the fourth ministerial departure in 24 hours and the second at Cabinet level – was particularly painful because of its timing, with vital European and local elections less than 24 hours away.
It follows the news yesterday that Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, is also to stand down.
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<!-- END: Module - M63 - Article Related Attachements --><!-- Call Wide Article Attachment Module --><!--TEMPLATE:call file="wideArticleAttachment.jsp" /-->Tonight, the text of a secret e-mailed letter being circulated by critics of Mr Brown emerged, although the original instigator of the campaign was still unclear.
The letter reads: “Dear Gordon. Over the last 12 years in government, and before, you have made an enormous contribution to this country and to the Labour Party, and this is widely acknowledged.
“However, we are writing now because we believe that, in the current political situation, you can best serve the Labour Party and the country by stepping down as party leader and Prime Minister and so allowing the party to find a new leader to take us into the next General Election.”
Selected Labour MPs today received the e-mail, although its author is unclear. It is believed that those behind the plot are preparing to come clean only if more than 50 MPs sign the letter.
Mr Brown's opponents believe that they could secure the support of 70 or 80 MPs for the move.
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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
It's June 4th and voting day in the European Elections. It should really be total whitewash and the Labour Party will be hung out to dry but the question really is - is the party with the least sleeze attached to it the right one to vote for? Is that a criteria that the public will use - I think it is but it could be a total mistake as well.
AND wasting a vote by ticking all of the boxes or writing 'none of the above' is not an option either. It's quite a dilemma for Joe Public (read me).


It's an interesting dilemma and one that affects all 'democratic' societies.

Option 1: Vote along 'party' lines as you have all your life?

Option 2: Vote for those who offer 'even lower direct taxation'? (The last 2 elections have been fought on this proposal and it's the least intellectual and most fatuous argument for election you can possibly think up)

Option 3 : Vote for the guy that can do the job, even though he may not be talking out of the same side of his mouth that his party is?

The fact remains that we do not, as a rule, generally engaged with politics in the UK, and if we do - it's a minority. Plain fact is that many people are just too stupid to understand WTF is going on and only get into 'lynch mob mode' when the media hypes it up for them.

I will vote for anyone who promises to:

Improve the standard of education dramatically especially the sciences.

Close the borders.

Break up the Media Monopolies

Imprison Rupert Murdoch for crimes against the People

Improve social care especially for the elderly.

Dismantle the NHS bureaucracy and channel the savings onto the hospital floor - into patient care.

Re-Nationalise the transport infrastructure.

Eradicate this extremely stupid 'public partnership' nonsense

Actually imprison criminals.

Educate the Police.

Sack nancy boy judges and magistrates and other would-be 'social reformers'

Scrap the 20012 Olympics and give it to a nation that wants it/can afford it.

Put an end to this ridiculous 'taxation' of people to achieve some obscure and unobtainable 'green' target.

Give incentives to manufacturers to radically revise packaging for all goods.

A massive govt funded research program to seek alternative fuels to stop this unsustainable reliance on burning fossils thus solving our dependence on 1/3rd world supplies, war and strife in the Middle East at a stroke.

I have a lot more but you may get the drift.

Being an MP is not a 'job' or a career. It's a calling and a desire to serve..

Bring back the 'honourable' philosophy - you Fuck Up - You Resign.

It is said that the People get the Government they deserve. In this case in the UK - I believe it to be perfectly true.. They just chuck us crumbs and keep us dosed with drugs such as cheap credit, and shiny automobiles.. and allow us to scramble over the bodies of others to get our snouts in the trough - but, it's a democracy right?

Sorry, but we're just too damned complacent - until it's too late.. It's no good moaning about any of this unless you are prepared to stand up and try and change things - from the inside. Not violent revolution (it has certainly worked in the past) but by political engagement.

I'm off to vote now but only for the guy that I KNOW can do the job locally and it may not be along the usual 'party' lines..

The REAL enemy within - extremism. We now have a fertile breeding ground for some really sinister people who are beginning to flex their muscles.

Please excuse me if I have offended anyone but I've had enough of all this crap, and there is no other country in the world I'd rather live plus I'm certainly not a quitter...

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
So Keith

Who should I vote for? I'm so dismayed about the whole thing
And our Conservative MP has just decided he should live in Wiltshire - over 100 miles away fromhis voters and 130 from parliament!

Now how do you spell BNP?


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
It's no good moaning about any of this unless you are prepared to stand up and try and change things - from the inside. Not violent revolution (it has certainly worked in the past) but by political engagement

I disagreed with Chris Edwards when he wrote something along similar lines. I maintain that our politicians should be honourable people who are capable of maintaining some sense of reason into the sometimes arduous challenge of representing the population, especially if their 'seat' is in far flung places.
I also mantain that we do not all need to join in the political scene to get this sorted out. I write a lot of letters to various politicians - only about 10% bother too answer.

There are MPs who have been in this government and never claimed a thing financially though I cannot comment on how effective they are as MPs.
The post you have just included is very well thought out and the dream list is achievable and you know I've emailed you privately before about 'having a go'.
Publicly, I'll say it again, You have the biggest chance coming up in the next few months. I'll even come and drive your campaign bus. Finding the deposit is not a hurdle. You know it makes a lot of sense.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
The Local and also the European elections were held here in the UK yesterday (Thursday) and if you are in some far off land I say this so as not to be confused with a General Election which may be just around the corner. Yesterday was another momentous day in the (PM) Gordon Brown Government when the Secretary for Work and Pensions (Lack of ?? [me making a pun]) resigned on the same day as the local elections pushing the PM to the brink of disaster. I expect he will announce most of his cabinet reshuffle today but it must become increasingly difficult with so many ex cabinet members on the back benches in the House of Commons - probably 60+ now - all of who will ignore the party whip if a vote of no confidence is tabled. And I doubt the Speaker will make the same mistake as he did last time when a vote of 'no confidence' was muted (in him personally) when he said itwould not go to a vote as it was an 'early day motion'. He was wrong and he tended his scalp the very next day just before it was going to the house to vote.
I'm a bit annoyed as I would love to be in the public gallery in the House of Commons all of next week to watch the proceedings but Audi Joest have other plans for me.

Ian, Did you manage to vote yesterday? I could not find the Yogic Flyers on any ballot paper but there were some imaginative names nonetheless.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

Yes I did

The European ballot paper was a joke - about 1 meter long and in alphabetical order.

so I guess the BNP made it near to the top of the list in this election!
Right behind the Anonymus, and Ar5eh0le party!

The local election had 3 candidates only from the big 3 - never heard of any of them - so I guess the existing MP must be standing down with his house move across the local papers.

Still annoys me that for a ballot that they write your voters roll number on the back of the ballot paper - where is the anonimity?

Ian /David, having worked as presiding Officer in local elections for 30 years I still believe that the English voting system is one of the best and secure in the world, but that it is now being eroded by the computer systems coming in which makes access to information and cross references so much easier, the old paper system was almost perfectly secure. Now I have retired from all that, I went to vote yesterday and was accosted by the local C councillor acting as teller outside of the polling station, was told of his very self important achievements and asked to vote for him. Getting into a discussion about his personal ineptitude and lack of local improvement in detail, I was dismissed as a " political activist". The one thing I am personally incensed about is bringing politics into local government, and this just about blew my patience with the guy, I lost it AND I did not vote for him !!
I agree with Kieth, vote for the best guy to do the job, NOT his politics !

Same problem the U.S. has, and the state of Illinois !!!

Perhaps this should be addressed in its own space, but :
- how do you get good, fair minded, independent candidates, not controlled along the party line, but are allowed to vote with the conscience?


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Apparently the Normandy Veterans audience booed Norman Brown when he arrived for the ceremonies in France yesterday. They were also shouting "Where is the Queen ?" because her pathetic son came instead. Where on earth does charles get off ? He was wearing a full row of medals - I am totally puzzled as to where he was decorated and what for ? AND to wear them in front of an audience of the remaining D-Day veterans really takes the cake.
What a total vixxer........
Apparently the Normandy Veterans audience booed Norman Brown when he arrived for the ceremonies in France yesterday. They were also shouting "Where is the Queen ?" because her pathetic son came instead. Where on earth does charles get off ? He was wearing a full row of medals - I am totally puzzled as to where he was decorated and what for ? AND to wear them in front of an audience of the remaining D-Day veterans really takes the cake.
What a total vixxer........

Have I missed something here, we see to have got ourselves a new PM!!??

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Apparently the Normandy Veterans audience booed Norman Brown when he arrived for the ceremonies in France yesterday. They were also shouting "Where is the Queen ?" because her pathetic son came instead. Where on earth does charles get off ? He was wearing a full row of medals - I am totally puzzled as to where he was decorated and what for ? AND to wear them in front of an audience of the remaining D-Day veterans really takes the cake.
What a total vixxer........

Did Chassa wear the fox hat as well?

As far as the medals go here is an explanation. A bit like the Sepos really. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/6147544.stm
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The one Canadian medal would be when Charles was associated with the 1st Canadian Airbourne before it was disbanded in the late 90's.(Somaili Affair) It was his regiment here.


I don't know if you saw the Juno Beach Canadian Service but we had some Ozzie representation sitting in the front row and they were mentioned.
If Faili was appointed Special Government Prosecutor things would be WAAAAAYYY different! Seriously,the voting public just eats up the bullshit rhetoric every time and votes these fools back in. These issues need to be exposed in every form on media,including locally distributed handbills right at election time but it is hard for any one individual to accomplish(as David is trying to do- bravo). It wil take a concentrated effort by a large group with sufficient funding to get it done. Even here in the US, the same situation repeats itself.Solutions are much more easily discussed than effected. I may be wrong but,curiously,it was a communist(Lenin,not Lennon) who said "no revolution is complete without participation of the [burgeoisie] middle class". No I don't support communism. The only thing I carry around with me that is communist is some Chinese made schrapnel, but this statement carries some weight. Until we are ALL so uncomfortable, ALL have been affected, we will remain complacent to some degree. In the end I believe we all need a few more David Mortons to champion the cause. A.J.