A womans point of veiw

Sometimes a women just knows how to bring you back to earth.
We are standing at the check out at the super market.

I have organized a box and I am going to organize an engine.

YVONNE( wife)
How much



At least I will not loose on this car.

Yes not like your race car


So you are planning on selling the 40


So its still worth nothing.


???????? s??t I dont have an answer to that
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Try this method

Jim C said:
Sometimes a women just knows how to bring you back to earth.
We are standing at the check out at the super market.

I have organized a box and I am going to organize an engine.
( Darling, I have some parts to pick up out of state, would you like to go for a trip on the Murray river next week?)
YVONNE( wife)
How much ( will that cost Jim, can we afford it? )

X ( and no we cant , but I can claim it as a business expense. )

Silence ( for 2 seconds-- Is that legal dear?)

( Who care's, )At least I will not loose on this car.

Yes not like your race car ( This new Tax Advisor is better than your last one)

Yeh( Chuckle )

So you are planning on selling the 40

No ( , we will keep it and write it off thru the business over the next few years. )

So its still ( going to be ) worth nothing.


JIM (thinking) now finds his voice ( Technically yes, but when I gift it at book value to you or the kids, it will be able to be sold by you or them for a tidy Tax Free sum.

YVONNE ( Jim honey , I think that is a fantastic plan, but why has it taken you so long to come up with a scheme like this? )

JIM ???????? s??t I dont have an answer to that

YVONNE Jim dear after all these years have you learnt nothing? You never have had the answers to my question,s.

Jac Mac


Remember a conversation that we had a little while ago.
Just tell Yvonne that see is lucky that she has not had to work the streets to pay for the 40 so far and that’s why she can’t relate any value to it. But that does not mean it won’t be necessary later on.;)

But then, Satisfaction is priceless!!!

My other half has often asked me, "When you finally get this damn GT40, will you actually stop buying cars???"

What can I say to that? "Hopefully"? "Probably"? Or "Well, at least until I have the funds to buy that 365GT to keep the 40 company at night"???

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
My response to that sort of question is usually along these lines: "Cars (bicycles, fishing rods, you fill in the "blank") are just like shoes--you can never have too many. I'll gladly stop buying cars when you stop buying shoes."

So far only 3 of my ex-wives have slapped me for that type of response (I'm with Keith1 on this issue--note his statement below his signature).

I'm still looking for the next ex-Mrs. Sainlar.

If one regarded the prospect of children with the same jaundiced eye, the race Homo Sapiens would disappear, for they are financial black holes the like of which render the most extravagant of builder’s ledger sheets a pale reflection. Yet who among us would be so so craven as to deprive our spouse the joys of childrearing merely for the sake of Mammon? Are we not therefore entitled to that miserly portion of our budget relegated to the maintenance of our sanity as we contend in the arena of the salarymen?
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I like to respond to this type of conversation with my wife with something like "so, tell me, how much can you sell those fake boobs and all that mascara for?"

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Have you ever heard this one :

Wife : " That diamond ring is just superb, and it would be a great investment" ?

Husband : "Yep, it would be a great investment, as long as you sell it in 20 years time"

Wife : "Silence" (unusual, I know)

Husband : "So, the GT40 would be in the same category, right ?"

Wife : "Silence" (now this is getting worrying) !

Husband : " So ???"

Wife : "We might talk about it later"

Husband : "OK" (praying that MUCH LATER is the go for both topics) !!

A sense of humour is a mandatory attribute for GT40 ownership - if the owner has one, he is half-way there - if his wife also has one, so much the better !

Kind Regards,

Peter D.

Did I mention, my little chou-chou, just how very dear to me you are fluffy-kins? Not a day goes by without me wanting your more and more. I'm so very happy we met darling....

YVONNE( wife)
How much is the new engine?


Including VAT?


Do it.

.......well we can dream I suppose.....
Well all those with expensive toys seem to have mastered the art of manipulation ,smoothing and exceptionally fine-art of wordsmithing their partners.

Sorry to disappoint you but they play the game as well as we do.

JIM: darling I haven't seen that outfit before.

YVONNE: I told you about this, you obviously were not listening.

JIM: (thinking to himself) Did she tell me , maybe she did or did she ???
Shes doing it to me again , my head hurts.

Isnt that how it goes boys.

Anyway bought my engine today 4.6lt quad cam cobra
Ye ha
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Doug, you crack me up :)

Advice on women from a man with at least three ex-wives!!! Fantastic LOL

I am not knocking you my friend, in fact, I may be coming to you for advice real soon. Of course hat will be advice of another kind! ;)

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Congrats on the new engine Jim - now all you have to do is build a 20sqm extension for the dressing room so that it can fit all the new outfits & shoes that she may or may not have told you about !!

An aside for the multi-married members (of whom, I am one) - a quote from an Oz advertising/media mogul :

"I have been married & divorced 5 times - next time I am just going to simplify the process - find a real bitch & give her a house" !!

Kind Regards,

Peter D.
Booze, birds and a fast car!

My wife hated my 40, the new bird loves it !!!!
Took her out for a spin, drove as fast as it would go - she's hooked.
Trying to get her to Donnington in a few weeks - we will see !!!

Mark Charlton

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
You guys crack me up. 5 wives??? Holy crap, don't you learn anything from a bad experience? After my first wife, I just went for the total opposite and it's been great ever since (10 years now). She actually wanted me to get the GT40. I think she felt the Pantera was lonely in the garage. When I started eyeing a yellow Maserati Bora, her only concern was where I would park it since we don't have a 3 car garage. Needless to say, she has lots of closet space and I NEVER complain when I trip over her shoes... :D


Mark Charlton said:
You guys crack me up. 5 wives??? Holy crap, don't you learn anything from a bad experience? After my first wife, I just went for the total opposite and it's been great ever since (10 years now).

Yeah, but they were all good, if you know what I mean... :rolleyes:

(shhh, they may be watching)

with three ex's I'm surprised you have enough money left to buy anything

You got that right....:mad:

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
You hit the nail on the head, Pete!

Pete said:
Doug, with three ex's I'm surprised you have enough money left to buy anything.

That's why I don't drive a 40 right now!

Actually, my 22 year old daughter has been more of a financial drain than any of the ex-wives recently, but being women they all require a certain level of "generosity", as my attorney put it.

Keith is right, though--they were all good in their own way. Do you suppose it was me, with my fascination for so many distractions, that might not have been so good?

Nope, on second thought it couldn't have been me.

YerDugliness said:
Do you suppose it was me, with my fascination for so many distractions, that might not have been so good?

Surely not!??

Just by having the awareness to even ask that question must surely put you in the clear? :)

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Mark Pickford said:
Just by having the awareness to even ask that question must surely put you in the clear? :)

Right you are, Mark. The sheer insanity of that utterance hit me quickly, too.

It's like when one of my ex's asked me why I never admitted I was wrong. I thought about it for a brief moment and replied, "You know, honey, I thought I was wrong once, but upon reflection it became clear that I was only mistaken."

The subject never came up again.

I've stumbled on this thread concerning relationships with the other gender, and really enjoyed it. Sounds like most owners are driving solo.

As there are many detail differences with the 60's racing cars in terms of engines, gearboxes, non-rusting chassis, air conditioning, centre gear changes on some, lift out windows on some, has no one made a slightly longer rear clip to take luggage? The road cars sold by Ford were 225mm longer with an insulated trunk at the rear (like a Miura). While this would mean re-routing that lovely "out the middle" exhaust system, at least two people could travel with a modest amount of luggage.

