Alan Mann passed away

Just recieved an email, forward to Lee Holman that Alan Mann has passed away, he was 76....................big loss for the GT40 community.......GTJOEY1314
Alan Mann contributed a lot to the GT40 legend

He contributed a lot to the GT40 with his lightweight program.
I liked the way he stood up to Shelby in the Cobra Daytona racing
program (telling Shelby basically that once he was given the brief to run the Daytonas, CS could butt out) , and wish I could have read more detail about that. I also would like to know how much of the Shelby Mustang used Mann's set-up for the Monte carlo Falcons.
I think his contributions will become more well known and appreciated when someone writes a book.
I hope if they do the GT40s get at least two chapters .
Sad news indeed. Alan lived in the next village to me, condolences to his family and friends. Stuart, who supplied me with my engine from 1042, worked for alan in the hay days of the 1960s. Do you know what was the most famous car Alan Mann Engineering ever produced???... Andrew


I know the most beautiful, the F3L, but perhaps it's one and the same?

Apart from that anything with a Ford badge painted red with gold stripes!
Do you know what was the most famous car Alan Mann Engineering ever produced???... Andrew
No I don't, but after I finish the GT40, I've got a Mk1 Escort waiting to be converted into the red and gold.
Well.. Alan Mann Engineering's most famous car was Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang.. would you believe. I have a 1967 Silverstone race programme, which displays a photo of the car "as built by Alan Mann Engineering for the film"... Andrew
Its ironic that after many months of delays, the Superformance GT40 that I ordered in the legendary Alan Mann Racing coloursf Corsa Red & Gold actually arrived in Melbourne (Australia) the day the Legendary Mr Mann passed away. As a young motorsport fanatic growing up in the 60's, I would save my money to buy any British motoring magazine so that I could keep track of my hero's such as Paul Hawkins, Frank Gardner and Alan Mann.
May you rest in peace Alan Mann; you will never be forgotten by thisAussie fan.


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