Americans, beware of Romney's deceitful ways!

You guys seriously need to ditch the razzamatazz in politics and leave that to Hollywood. Life is not what the movies' depict.
Gone fishin'


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Two questions,
1. How many years of tax returns are required?
2. Was the tax rate that was paid what was required by the IRS?

Jim Rosenthal

It is EXTREMELY unlikely that Romney cheated on his taxes. He has more than enough money to pay very good accountants to set up his various business holdings, as anyone would in his position. What the Democrats are after is to expose that he pays a very low tax rate. And I am certain he does, and legally. Our tax system is taxes capital gains income at a far lower rate than earned income. And most of Romney's income is more than likely capital gains and not earned income.

Regardless of how you feel about this (and I don't like Romney or Ryan either and I am a lifelong Democrat) political campaigns are all about making yourself look good and your opponent look bad. Viewed in that context, I believe it makes sense.

If you want to look at it another way, Democrats have long been the party of not trusting rich people or capitalists. Republicans have become the party of not trusting smart people or government. So, if you are a smart rich person who works in government, watch out. Everyone hates you. :)


Veek, in my view the Dems have been willing to set aside the partisan politics a few times and have voted with the Republicans to pass some legislation...I don't recall the specific issues, don't care to, I remember making a mental note of it when it happened.


Doug, remember, "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"... -Nancy Pelosi.
Please recall how the healthcare (Obamacare) legislation was crafted. It was in secret and the republicans were completely shut out of the process. They were also completely shut out of negotiations on stimulus spending. "...that despite Democrats’ repeated promises to craft a bipartisan deal, the package has been crafted in its late stages by a tight circle of almost exclusively Democrats." - ABC News. Sure there have been across-party outreach but I don't call the agreement to name a bridge after somebody bipartisanship.
Remember Mr. Obama saying "Elections have consequences..." and "We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back." That dynamic only changed after the 2010 election cycle and the republicans took the house. Prior to that, Mr. Obama and his party had control of the house, a filibuster proof senate and the executive branch and literally could so whatever they wanted (as Obamacare indicates). Look what came of it and if you are happy with it, vote for Mr. Obama and his party.
Like Paul Ryan's plan or not, at least he (and Simpson-Bowls) offered SOMETHING. The democrats in the senate have refused to address either. Look at how Ryan has been demonized as a granny killer. Look at the trillion dollar annual deficit and certain collapse of entitlements and no effort by the president or his party to address it. So give him his farcical tax increase on the wealthy. According to the New York Times, the president’s plan to abolish the Bush tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 is expected to bring in merely $0.7 trillion OVER THE NEXT DECADE, or about 0.4 percent of Gross Domestic Product per year. As a comparison, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the deficit over the same period is going to be $13 trillion, more than 6 percent of GDP per year. The tax revenue is not even rounding error compared to the mounting deficit and nothing but divisive class warfare!
As I said before, if you want four more years of what we have now. Vote for Mr. Obama.
Two questions,
1. How many years of tax returns are required?
2. Was the tax rate that was paid what was required by the IRS?

I guess nobody want's to answer this. He pays the same rate as Buffet, around 15%. He paid more taxes last year than most people "make" in their lifetime. Don't you think the IRS would be all over him had he not paid his taxes? He made $20 million on investments last year. Those investments are in companies that are in business, how many jobs are created by these investments? A lot more than Solyndra, and that was our investment, our loss.
All I know is that under this regime, I have lost 2 million worth in my homes, (personal home and rentals) I am losing my business, looking at closing doors for the first time in over 100 years. Boy, I wish I could spend money I don't have or print money just so I can pay my bills like the current congress/president has. If I did what they all have done, I would go to jail.
Why all the fuss over Romney's tax returns? It would be more profitable to go after Warren Buffett's company, Birkshire Hathaway, who have fought the IRS for ten years not to pay a one billion dollar tax bill. Oh, that's right, Warren says he should pay more taxes.

The reality is that B.O. can't run on his record. Look at the mess he would inherit if he wins.