AN to Plastic

hehe :p

I still think your best bet, if you are determined to use the pump, is to start off with a piece of regular rubber hose that is meant to be clamped on then terminate it into a custom AN/barb'd fitting like I posted above. Then from there run your AN hose. It is a tad bit more onerous (because you have to make the fitting) but I think that's worth it for peace of mind.

I agree with Alex- using regular hose clamps on braided lines (as one pic on this site had recently) is contrary to instructions from the manufacturer, and likely to result in inconsistent clamping pressure because the clamp has to compress not just the inner sheath that is actually sealing to the barb, but also the steel outer sheath.

Doing so also forces friction and probably wear between the outer stainless steel sheath and the inner rubber or teflon sheath that was never intended to occur, and cannot be a Good Thing.

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter

That's what I'm thinking. Pressure will be in the 12 to 16 psi range. Very tempting to try (even if Alex will yell at me).

By the way, I'm using braided nylon hose instead of braided stainless steel hose. I don't know if it is more forgiving or not as far as flex.


Just to make sure no two of us make the same recommendation....:idea:

I think you should use a fitting with a plastic sleeve. I'm concerned about the aluminum sleeve cutting into the nylon and creating a stress riser leading to an eventual crack and failure.

BTW the concern about flexible line stiffness and mass can be mitigated by supported the line near the fitting, so the fitting doesn't have to. The usual way is with an adel clamp attached to the chassis.