Anyone have info on this company?

I was surfing the web yesterday and came across this company: "DC & O Services Pty Ltd Australia". They manufacture a GT40 kit and was just wondering if anyone has dealt with or at least seen one of their cars. The website doesn't give much info except a few pics(which look quite nice) and that the kit starts at around 17,000. Don't know if that's U.S. or Aussie currency(doesn't say). As i said i was just wondering if anyone has heard of them and if it's a quality kit.



Robert Logan

Defunct Manufactuer - Old RF Company
Itis my understanding that they WERE agents for thr DRB GT40 but are NO LONGER.

The company is made up of father, mother and son (David, Carol and Owen) and in their own words "we have moved on".

Best wishes,

Are they still making the throttle bodies and manifolds? It would be a shame if they stopped production altogether. There must have been a lot of time spent in developing those parts....