Been lurching for a while...

I figured it was about time I started posting.

My name is William Grow and I currently live in Hungary. I was originally planning on waiting until my return to the US to start a GT40 build but my patience got the best (or worst) of me.

I'm currently building a "mock-up" of the GTS chassis in my single car garage while acquiring all sorts of parts and hope to start the "real build" with in a couple of years.

Like the title says: I've been a bit of a lurch on this site for quite a while. It was Russ Noble's "Kiwi Scratchbuild" that originally got me "hooked", up until then I had been planning on building a "Locost".

Anyhoo, that's about all I can think of at the moment. I look forward to meeting everyone and picking their respective brains as the build continues.

Till then,
If you're lurching violently you might want to get that checked out by the doc. Involuntary spasms of a continual and repetitive nature aren't good.

Lurking on the other hand is much easier on the physiology.....almost relaxing in comparison.

Just kidding you. Welcome to the forum Bill!
It's ok to lurch... i do it all the time... it keeps the crazy street people from comming near you... keep on lurching.... welcome to the crowd.. see what fun people we are...
Thanks guys. I caught the "K" vs "ch" right after I hit the "submit" button... Looks like they don't let you edit your introduction :) Must be some sort of evaluation system for the new people?

Good times.

Glad to see two more people from Washington state though! Hopefully I'll be back in the weather within the next 5 or so years.
Hi Bill and welcome.

There is a limited edit window (2 hours?). Mods can change posts outside of that window but smelling pistakes are not normally enough unless you ask *really* nicely! :)