Biting the hand that feeds you/shot you.

Iron Sheik,
You make me laugh, keep it coming....
Respect to all,

Martin (English through and through)
Send James Bond in, he'll sort it out...

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Pete, my apology for offending you, as Russ has pointed out, I was kidding around there. No insult was intended.

in fact it seems like I insulted lot of folks by not paying attention to their country of origin.

The problem for me is that all white people look alike, and I always think they are all "English" (I AM ONLY KIDDING, now). After all you call all of us "ARABS" and "Jihadis" on every other post.:):)

Praise upon all white people (Russ THE New Zealander in particular)

Iron (Part time Jihadi, Full time Infidel) Sheik

No offense taken mate, though the Nazi bit did prick even my thick skin.
As we say in OZ you're a funny bastard.(term of affection)rockonsmile