body latches

Hi Graham, sorry I missed you at the show, when I came over to see you, there was no sign of you. I guess we all have to attend to calls of nature. If you still have the catches, please let me have your address by private email and I'll send payment straight away. The 917 looked very interesting, it's a big car compared to the 40.
Jasper, Except from going to the loo i did,nt leave the stand for all four days and the car was never left unattended. The other chap with me was Richard, Gulfs Marketting Manager and he would have told you that i would only be 5 minutes maximum. The catches were just inside the 917.
It is 14'6" long by 7' wide.

Graham @ GTA

Robert Logan

Defunct Manufactuer - Old RF Company

Is your 917 one of the Australian cars. I know of their work and it is excellent. Your car looks great.

Best wishes,



Lifetime Supporter
Anyone have a picture of the latch mounted to the body and the hook mechanism it latches to?