Budget "Weber" IDA Clones - EMPI EPC 48 & 51

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
I really know nothing about them other than what I've read on another forum.
These might be a way to get that "Weber IDA" Look without the expense.. Well - Saving around $120 USD each anyway.. Price is $379 USD each.



EMPIUS.COM : 2009 Catalog, Page 83 - Intake - Carb. Kits & Components

I recall reading that while the original EMPIs from 10 or 20 years ago were US made and of reasonable quality, they're now made under license in China and the quality has deteriorated. I don't have first hand knowledge, just what I've heard being discussed in a couple different settings. The original goal was to have a budget Weber copy with complete interchangeability but the Chinese versions apparently have some fitment issues with jets, e-tubes, chokes, etc. along with some basic production quality issues. Again, just what I've heard. Personally, I'll spend a little more and take Webers, even the Spanish ones.


It might pay interested parties to look closely at Holley's "Chinese" experience before making a decision on these.
Actually the chinese holleys are complete pieces of junk. The plating falls off and the castings are porous. Thank goodness the barry grant demon stuff is around as well as lots of old rebuildable holleys.
Actually the chinese holleys are complete pieces of junk. The plating falls off and the castings are porous. Thank goodness the barry grant demon stuff is around as well as lots of old rebuildable holleys.

Some of the later Demon stuff was/is of questionable quality as well, airbleeds/jets with 'loose' thread tolerances etc. As soon as any of these 'new' products get out into large volume production numbers the quality quite often seems to dissappear out the back door. Take the many threads we see that start with 'help me sort my webers etc'. Attached is a page out of a respected USA car repair manual where they were suggesting mods to the throttle plate &or the progression holes on 'Italian' webers to correct idle woes etc. That was back in the sixties & many of you guys are calling it a new problem & blaming everyone else, your partly right, they even copied the problems!:):)
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